pry-highlight 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 pry-highlight
pry-suite 1.2.0
pry-suite is designed to set up a nice Pry ecosystem out of the box. You are given Pry ...
57,983 下載
pry-full 2.1.0
pry-doc + pry-docmore + pry-debugger + pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue + bond + jist + ...
49,903 下載
pry-full18 0.4
Pry plugins approved for 1.8: pry-remote + pry-rescue + pry-nav + pry-awesome_print + p...
12,634 下載
simple_activity 0.1.2
SimpleActivity is a gem to record, display and reuse users activities for Rails app, in...
6,133 下載
barite 0.1.1
RailsRails API patters generator.
4,806 下載
generics 0.1.0
Generics for Ruby, starting with collections
2,720 下載
matchcase 0.1.0
Pattern matching done easy
2,619 下載