Dépendances inversées pour powerpack Latest version of the following gems require powerpack
pechkin 2.0.2
Web service to proxy webhooks to Telegram Bot API
36 172 Téléchargements
tracetool 0.5.4
Helper for unpacking Android and iOS traces
15 479 Téléchargements
opencontrol-linter 0.1.5
Automatic Open Control schema checking tool. Aims to provide quick tests that ensur...
11 010 Téléchargements
grably 0.0.3
Ruby library turning Rake into extreemly powerful build tool
5 817 Téléchargements
dobby 0.1.2
Library for injesting descriptions of dpkg based systems (primarily Debian and Ubun...
3 871 Téléchargements
rubbycop 0.49.0
Automatic Ruby code style checking tool. Aims to enforce the community-driven Ruby ...
2 527 Téléchargements