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Dépendances inversées pour polyrex Latest version of the following gems require polyrex

dynarex-blog 0.7.5


359 996 Téléchargements

testdata 1.1.13

A test framework which accepts test data in a Polyrex format.

171 764 Téléchargements

optparse-simple 0.4.6

OptParse-Simple parses command-line arguments and returns them as a hash.

67 791 Téléchargements

polyrex-feed-reader 0.5.14

Fetches RSS feeds from a Polyrex file and displays each feed summary on an HTML page

67 550 Téléchargements

polyrex-links 0.5.0

A convenient gem for retrieving a link from a hierarchical lookup table from a raw Poly...

43 475 Téléchargements

pxgraphviz 0.6.0

Generates a GraphViz Markup Language file from a Polyrex document

40 874 Téléchargements

mindwords 0.8.1

Helps get what's in your mind into a structure using words and hashtags.

40 458 Téléchargements

xmlregistry_objects 0.8.0

Query the registry using objects built dynamically from a string which maps each object...

35 289 Téléchargements

gogreen 0.4.0

Run RSF jobs from the command line using a Dynarex flavoured aliases file.

34 811 Téléchargements

polyrex_calendarbase 0.3.1

A calendar object which can be output to XML format from a Polyrex document object

28 551 Téléchargements

polyrex-headings 0.3.0

Parses a raw Polyrex document containing Markdown style headings

27 072 Téléchargements

liveblog-plugin-dxtags 0.2.11

A LiveBlog plugin which creates or updates the hashtags lookup files from the previous ...

24 194 Téléchargements

botbase-module-phrases 0.2.2

A botbase module for matching a speech keyword which then triggers a general RSC job or...

22 621 Téléchargements

asterisk_mini_statement 0.1.7

Outputs a mini statement of recent telephone calls from the Asterisk Call Detail Recor...

22 256 Téléchargements

jstreebuilder 0.3.2

Generates an HTML tree from XML or Markdown.

20 068 Téléchargements

spsclient_m2m 0.4.1

The SPSClient_M2M gem is designed to run as a service with the RSF_Services gem and the...

17 702 Téléchargements

filetree_xml 0.1.4

Represents a file tree using a Polyrex document

12 000 Téléchargements

treemap21 0.3.0

Treemapping gem which generates an HTML document.

10 503 Téléchargements

tagcloud 0.1.2


9 912 Téléchargements

indydoc 0.2.2

Generate source code documentation from source code + Polyrex file.

9 174 Téléchargements

px_timetable 0.1.2

Query a timetable using a Polyrex document

6 529 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 404 073

Pour cette version 801

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.1.0
