Dependencias inversas para phashion La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren phashion
active_admin_jcrop 0.0.10
Jcrop plugin for ActiveAdmin, enable image cropping solution on image fields
77.554 Descargas
ios_icon_generator 0.1.3
Generates icons based and apply masks to them easily.
43.676 Descargas
screenpress 0.3.0
Workflow and Capybara extension that takes screenshots of your tests to prevent visual ...
32.783 Descargas
cezanne 0.1.3
Let Cezanne help you make sure your views look alright
25.182 Descargas
doctor_ninja 0.2.5
DoctorNinja is built by the Responde Aí Team ( in an attempt...
25.025 Descargas
all_seeing_pi 0.0.5
The one gem to rule homemade Raspberry Pi surveillance systems. This gem will capture i...
13.854 Descargas
cherry_picking_moments 0.2.0
Generate uniquish images from a movie
4.934 Descargas
image_comparator 0.0.1
This gem provides a simple api to compare 2 pngs and in case they are different, get th...
2.659 Descargas