pagy 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 pagy
api-pagination 6.0.0
Link header pagination for Rails and Grape APIs
9,709,486 下載
algoliasearch-rails 3.0.1
AlgoliaSearch integration to your favorite ORM
7,401,063 下載
avo 3.18.1
Avo is a very custom Content Management System for Ruby on Rails that saves engineers a...
1,111,143 下載
pagy_cursor 0.8.0
use pagy for cursor-based pagination with rails
631,044 下載
govuk-components 5.8.0
This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...
495,062 下載
bullet_train 1.18.0
Bullet Train
448,956 下載
paginate-responder 2.1.0
A Rails pagination responder with link header support.
381,028 下載
bullet_train-api 1.18.0
API capabilities for apps built with Bullet Train framework
371,787 下載
renalware-core 2.1.1
Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...
306,789 下載
fast_page 0.1.6
FastPage applies the MySQL "deferred join" optimization to your ActiveRecord offset/lim...
168,362 下載
madmin 2.0.1
It's an admin, obviously.
145,052 下載
rails_mini_profiler 0.7.3
Performance profiling for your Rails app, made simple
87,293 下載
grape-pagy 0.6.0
Pagy paginator for grape API
85,259 下載
slash_admin 1.5.11
A modern and overridable admin gem, just the rails way.
54,778 下載
exception_hunter 1.1.0
Exception tracking engine
54,011 下載
emailbutler 0.8.12
Emailbutler allows you to track delivery status of emails sent by your app.
47,227 下載
ucb_rails_user 8.0.0
Rails engine for managing user accounts within UC Berkeley's auth system
43,407 下載
jsom-pagination 1.0.0
Easy to use, framework-agnostic set of methods useful for integrating JSON:API in y...
37,443 下載
lasha 0.8.1
This rails plugin aims to be a general helper gem for as many rails apps as possible. ...
36,497 下載
censor_bear 0.1.29
🐻 Watch your back! Young man.
27,533 下載
tybo 0.4.1
Custom admin engine for Ruby on Rails working with generators
27,465 下載
redis_web_manager 0.4.0
Manage your Redis instance (See keys, memory used, connected client, configuration, inf...
27,027 下載
katalyst-koi 4.17.1
Koi CMS admin framework
22,727 下載
jsonapi-query_builder 0.3.0
`Jsonapi::QueryBuilder` serves the purpose of adding the json api query related SQL con...
22,462 下載
ahoy_captain 1.1.0
A full-featured, mountable analytics dashboard for your Rails app, powered by Ahoy.
20,766 下載
plutonium 0.20.3
Plutonium extends Rails' capabilities with a powerful, generator-driven toolkit designe...
20,197 下載
ez-resources 0.2.4
Easy resources engine for Rails app.
14,111 下載
beetle_reporter 0.1.10
Description of BeetleReporter.
12,983 下載
infinum_json_api_setup 0.0.8
Preconfigured setup for building JSON:API endpoints
11,777 下載
superuser 0.3.5
This gem will help you scaffold an admin area very quickly so you can have full control...
11,726 下載