overcommit 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 overcommit
data_migrate 11.3.0
Rake tasks to migrate data alongside schema changes.
25,542,577 下載
i18n-tasks 1.0.15
i18n-tasks helps you find and manage missing and unused translations. It analyses code...
22,731,884 下載
honeycomb-beeline 3.1.0
Instrument your Ruby apps with Honeycomb
3,929,928 下載
avromatic 5.2.1
Generate Ruby models from Avro schemas
3,731,697 下載
avro-builder 2.1.0
Ruby DSL to create Avro schemas
3,675,688 下載
avro_schema_registry-client 0.5.0
Client for the avro-schema-registry app
3,547,064 下載
avro-resolution_canonical_form 0.6.0
Unique identification of Avro schemas for schema resolution
3,468,092 下載
avro-patches 1.0.2
Patches for the official Apache Avro Ruby implementation
3,216,898 下載
safer_rails_console 0.11.0
This gem makes Rails console sessions less dangerous in specified environments by warni...
957,034 下載
omniauth-multi-provider 0.4.0
OmniAuth support for multiple providers of an authentication strategy
786,895 下載
ezcater_matchers 0.5.0
shared matchers
507,229 下載
quality 40.0.1
Quality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...
480,602 下載
onlyoffice_logger_helper 1.3.0
Simple logging gem for ONLYOFFICE projects. Used in QA
328,006 下載
activerecord-postgres_pub_sub 3.2.0
Support for Postgres Notify/Listen
268,483 下載
onlyoffice_bugzilla_helper 0.6.1
Helper for bugzilla, used in QA
209,639 下載
wrata_api 1.1.0
Wrapper around wrata API
174,781 下載
bigfiles 0.3.0
Finds largest source files in a project
167,959 下載
avrolution 0.9.0
Support for the evolution of Avro schemas stored in a schema registry.
136,974 下載
sanctum 0.9.2
Syncs encrypted content from the filesystem to the Vault secrets store.
132,703 下載
onlyoffice_api 1.0.1
Ruby Framework to interact with OnlyOffice API 2.0
110,973 下載
ledger_sync 3.0.0
LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...
104,581 下載
onlyoffice_documentserver_conversion_helper 0.5.0
Helper method for using ONLYOFFICE DocumentServer conversion api
103,474 下載
onlyoffice_iredmail_helper 1.0.0
ONLYOFFICE Helper Gem for iRedMail. Used in QA
100,326 下載
girlscout 0.6.0
Provides integration with HelpScout REST API v2
99,877 下載
attribute_helpers 0.1.3
Provides auto-serialization of simple Ruby types that databases do not support, such as...
97,710 下載
rspec_passed_time_formatter 0.2.0
Formatter for `rspec` with output html with end times
94,606 下載
unique_attributes 0.1.2
Easily set ActiveRecord attributes to auto-generate as unique values from a given proc.
90,616 下載
luna_park 0.13.2
Domain driven oriented microservice framework.
90,179 下載
loqate 0.12.0
API client for GBG Loqate
89,200 下載
parallel_cucumber 0.2.25
Our own parallel cucumber with queue and workers
88,372 下載