Dépendances inversées pour omniauth-identity Latest version of the following gems require omniauth-identity
proxes 0.10.1
Rack wrapper around Elasticsearch to provide security and management features
64 713 Téléchargements
thincloud-authentication 0.6.5
Rails Engine to provide authentication for Thincloud applications
46 118 Téléchargements
ditty 0.11.1
Sinatra Based Application Framework
36 649 Téléchargements
socialite 0.2.1
Rails engine supporting multiple auth providers per user.
34 033 Téléchargements
odania_omniauth_authentication 0.0.2
The Odania Portal is an open source portal system with strong focus on the usage on dif...
6 079 Téléchargements
jinda_engine 0.6.0
Generate Rails workflow engine from mind map: Freemind
1 861 Téléchargements