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occi-core 5.0.0.beta.17

The rOCCI toolkit is a collection of classes simplifying implementation of Open Cloud Computing Interface in Ruby




  1. 5.0.4 November 10, 2017 (80,5 KB)
  2. 5.0.3 October 19, 2017 (80 KB)
  3. 5.0.2 September 27, 2017 (80 KB)
  4. 5.0.1 September 05, 2017 (80 KB)
  5. 5.0.0 August 23, 2017 (78,5 KB)
  6. 5.0.0.beta.17 August 15, 2017 (78 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (62)

Runtime Dependencies (4):

activesupport < 6, >= 4.0
json < 3, >= 1.8
json-schema < 3, >= 2.5
yell < 3, >= 2.0

Development Dependencies (10):

bundler < 2, >= 1.12
fasterer < 0.4, >= 0.3.2
pry < 1, >= 0.10
rake < 13, >= 11.0
rspec < 4, >= 3.4
rubocop < 1, >= 0.32
rubocop-rspec < 2, >= 1.5
rubygems-tasks < 1, >= 0.2
simplecov < 1, >= 0.11
yard < 1, >= 0.8



  • Boris Parak, Florian Feldhaus, Piotr Kasprzak

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 149.956

Desta versão 1.668

Versão lançada:


Apache License, Version 2.0

Versão Requerida do Ruby: >= 2.2.2

Versão Requerida do RubyGems: > 1.3.1
