Dépendances inversées pour oa-oauth Latest version of the following gems require oa-oauth
exvo-auth 0.14.1
Sign in with Exvo account
270 268 Téléchargements
citygate 0.1.1
Citygate is an Engine that provides user model with sign up and log in, admin backend f...
41 426 Téléchargements
omniauth_china 0.1.1
This is an extention of OmniAuth, it addes Open ID providers in China such as Douban, S...
36 921 Téléchargements
play 0.0.8
We want to play music at our office. Everyone has their own library on their own mach...
26 894 Téléchargements
Twitter and Facebook logins for your Rails application.
21 013 Téléchargements
blti_omniauth 0.1.2
Omniauth strategy for blti consumers
14 237 Téléchargements
rdcms 1.0.28
This is the Basic Module of Rdcms. It Offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an Article-Module, a ...
9 182 Téléchargements
cartoset 0.0.2
A great tool that allows us to create beautiful geospatial projects for you in less tim...
8 488 Téléchargements
omni_auth_myfc_id 1.0.15.pre
5 992 Téléchargements
oa-blip 0.0.1
OmniAuth strategy for blip.pl OAuth
5 360 Téléchargements
elecnix-omnisocial 0.1.5
Twitter and Facebook logins for your Rails application.
4 810 Téléchargements
travis-core 0.0.1
4 533 Téléchargements