RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour nori Latest version of the following gems require nori

savon 2.15.1

Heavy metal SOAP client

79 925 825 Téléchargements

winrm 2.3.9

Ruby library for Windows Remote Management

19 866 415 Téléchargements

google-ads-savon 2.0.0

Delicious SOAP for the Ruby community

10 143 872 Téléchargements

google-adwords-api 1.6.0

The AdWords API is no longer available. Please upgrade to the Google Ads API gem: googl...

8 081 965 Téléchargements

wash_out 0.12.0

Dead simple Rails 3 SOAP server library

1 999 183 Téléchargements

checkstyle_filter-git 1.2.0

Filter errors(checkstyle) by git diff.

1 525 360 Téléchargements

saddler-reporter-support 1.0.0

Interface for saddler-reporter. And utilities for saddler-reporter.

1 470 081 Téléchargements

unitwise 2.3.0

Physical quantity and units of measure conversion and math library

1 091 727 Téléchargements

cb-api 23.2.1

Ruby wrapper for Careerbuilder Public API.

691 893 Téléchargements

lisbn 0.3.2

Lisbn (pronounced "Lisbon") is a wrapper around String that adds methods for manipulati...

303 500 Téléchargements

pmd_translate_checkstyle_format 0.3.0

Translate pmd format into checkstyle format.

226 381 Téléchargements

executrix 1.4.1

This gem provides a super simple interface for the Salesforce Bulk API. It provides sup...

187 385 Téléchargements

allscripts_unity_client 6.0.0

Provides a simple interface to the Allscripts Unity API using JSON. Developed at health...

176 373 Téléchargements

alfred-workflow 2.0.5

alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...

167 712 Téléchargements

libis-tools 1.1.2

Some tool classes for other LIBIS gems.

155 745 Téléchargements

autodiscover 1.0.2

The Autodiscover Service provides information about a Microsoft Exchange environment su...

133 872 Téléchargements

android_lint_translate_checkstyle_format 0.2.0

Translate android lint format into checkstyle format.

133 289 Téléchargements

barometer 0.9.7

A multi API consuming weather forecasting superstar.

130 415 Téléchargements

findbugs_translate_checkstyle_format 0.3.0

Translate findbugs format into checkstyle format.

109 204 Téléchargements

sensu-plugins-gluster 2.0.0

Sensu gluster plugins

108 058 Téléchargements


Provides helper libraries for Ruby access to the Twistage API

103 899 Téléchargements

turbot-ruby-gems 0.34

Metapackage to install gems provided by Turbot.

81 950 Téléchargements

easy_upnp 1.2.2

A super easy to use UPnP control point client

81 509 Téléchargements


niconico manipulator

80 177 Téléchargements


An easy-to-use client for Zuora.

78 587 Téléchargements

absa-notify-me 0.0.7

This is just a rapidly prototyped proof of concept gem for bankserv gem and those ...

71 302 Téléchargements

sekken 0.3.0

Sekken is an experimental SOAP client for the Ruby community.

67 150 Téléchargements

arcus 0.1.8

API and client CLI tool for cloudstack

56 274 Téléchargements

ns-yapi 0.6.0

Yet Another (Ruby) NS API client

55 760 Téléchargements

thrust 0.7.0

Thrust provides a collection of rake tasks for iOS projects. These include tasks for r...

49 417 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 104 995 312

Pour cette version 2 402 277

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 3.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
