Dependencias inversas para nio4r La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren nio4r
puma 6.6.0
Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Ra...
439.686.194 Descargas
puma 6.6.0
Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Ra...
439.686.194 Descargas
actioncable 8.0.2
Structure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con...
420.891.363 Descargas
celluloid-io 0.17.3
Evented IO for Celluloid actors
128.617.903 Descargas
dnsruby 1.72.4
Dnsruby is a pure Ruby DNS client library which implements a stub resolver. It aims to ...
17.761.855 Descargas
bot_framework 0.1.0
Unofficial ruby client for microsoft botframework
3.605.735 Descargas
gitlab-puma 4.3.5.gitlab.3
Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack a...
3.397.740 Descargas
ld-celluloid-eventsource 0.11.0
Celluloid::IO based library to consume Server-Sent Events. This library was forked from...
491.335 Descargas
rails_live_reload 0.4.0
Ruby on Rails Live Reload with just a single line of code - just add the gem to Gemfile.
278.264 Descargas
gpgmeh 0.1.6
GPG Made Even (Happier|Hipper|Harder?)
105.938 Descargas
airplayer 1.1.0
Command-line AirPlay video client for Apple TV
60.520 Descargas
rbgo 0.3.3
Write concurrent program with Ruby in Golang style.
40.062 Descargas
multi_process 1.3.0
Handle multiple child processes.
34.572 Descargas
tamashii-agent 0.4.0
The agent module for RubyConfTW checkin system.
31.564 Descargas
funl 0.10
Sequences messages.
29.652 Descargas
lightio 0.4.4
The intent of LightIO is to provide ruby stdlib compatible modules, that user can use t...
26.015 Descargas
ruby_nsq 0.0.4
Ruby client for the NSQ realtime message processing system
25.236 Descargas
tamashii-manager 0.3.0
The IoT device manager for RubyConf checkin system.
22.048 Descargas
ruby-spark 1.2.1
Ruby wrapper for Apache Spark
21.144 Descargas
tamashii 0.4.0
The WebSocket framework implement inspired by ActionCable
18.449 Descargas
dhs 1.6.0
DHS ia a Rails-Gem, providing an ActiveRecord like interface to access HTTP-JSON-Servic...
17.491 Descargas
wakame-dolphin 0.0.5
notification service
14.313 Descargas
deploy-agent 1.3.3
This gem allows you to configure a secure proxy through which DeployHQ can forward conn...
14.029 Descargas
concurrently 1.2.0
Concurrently is a concurrency framework for Ruby and mruby based on fibers. With it cod...
13.151 Descargas
murasaki 0.2.2
Event Kernel for Ruby, power for midori project
13.140 Descargas
myxi 1.4.2
A RabbitMQ-based web socket server & framework
12.525 Descargas
action_channels 0.2.0
Easy server on websockets.
12.273 Descargas
iopromise 0.1.5
This gem extends promise.rb promises to support an extremely simple pattern for "contin...
10.735 Descargas
plux 0.1.8
Easy unixsocket & server
10.218 Descargas
livereload_rails 1.0.2
Easy livereloading of assets for Rails.
7.782 Descargas