Dépendances inversées pour nanotest Latest version of the following gems require nanotest
unindent 1.0
Ruby method to unindent strings. Useful for multiline strings embeded in already indent...
1 010 458 Téléchargements
stethoscope 0.2.3
Heartbeat middleware for responding to heartbeat pings
150 155 Téléchargements
dm-zone-types 0.3
Timezone aware datatypes for DataMapper
83 808 Téléchargements
phocus 1.1
Tell test/unit exactly which tests you want run. It will ignore all the other ones and ...
63 687 Téléchargements
mynyml-redgreen 0.7.1
Standalone redgreen eye candy for test results, ala autotest.
45 831 Téléchargements
rack-abstract-format 0.9.9
Rack middleware that abstracts format (extension) away from the path (into env).
18 606 Téléchargements
nanotest_extensions 0.6.3
Nano extensions for nanotest.
16 069 Téléchargements
rack-supported-media-types 0.9.4
Rack middleware to specify an app's supported media types. Returns '406 Not Acceptable'...
13 382 Téléchargements
Simple, minimalistic, standalone router meant to be used with pure rack applications.
4 972 Téléchargements
nanocontexts 0.9
Extremely mynymal contexts with setups and teardowns. Perfect for DIY lovers. NanoConte...
4 911 Téléchargements
nanotest_spec 0.9
nanotest extension that allows asserting using obj.must / obj.wont.
4 862 Téléchargements