mixlib-log 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mixlib-log
ohai 19.0.3
Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON
67,405,081 下載
chef 18.7.3
A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
25,218,359 下載
chef 18.7.3
A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
25,218,359 下載
chef-zero 15.0.17
Self-contained, easy-setup, fast-start in-memory Chef server for testing and solo setup...
20,538,994 下載
mixlib-archive 1.1.7
A simple interface to various archive formats
15,811,825 下載
mixlib-archive 1.1.7
A simple interface to various archive formats
15,811,825 下載
inspec-core 6.8.24
InSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use i...
8,353,356 下載
license_scout 2.6.10
Discovers license files of a project's dependencies.
4,398,852 下載
etcd 0.3.0
Ruby client library for etcd
1,738,875 下載
chef-api 0.10.10
A tiny Chef Infra API client with minimal dependencies
1,096,458 下載
em-winrm 0.7.0
EventMachine based, asynchronous parallel WinRM client
696,847 下載
megam_api 1.52.6
Ruby Client for the Megam vertice. Performs REST calls to Vertice Gateway - http://git...
468,645 下載
stove 7.1.6
A utility for releasing Chef Infra cookbooks
445,175 下載
chef-expander 10.30.4
A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
284,756 下載
chef-infra-api 0.10.10
A tiny Chef Infra API client with minimal dependencies
250,875 下載
serfx 0.1.2
Serfx is a minimal ruby client for serf, an event based, distributed, fault tolerant or...
246,090 下載
fluent-plugin-td-monitoring 1.0.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
227,758 下載
pkgr 1.9.0
Simplify the deployment of your applications by automatically packaging your applicatio...
160,988 下載
microwave 11.400.8
A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
123,100 下載
spiceweasel 2.8.0
Provides a CLI tool for generating knife commands to build Chef-managed infrastructure ...
97,348 下載
gollum-site 0.1.12
Generate a static site for Gollum Wikis
84,858 下載
chef-apply 0.9.6
Ad-hoc management of individual nodes and devices.
79,753 下載
beanstalk-worker 0.1.7
Beanstalkd Worker base class
56,714 下載
pylon 0.2.8
leader election with zeromq for ruby using widely available leader election algorithms,...
39,580 下載
logging_library 2.0.0
Library with support for logging in applications.
38,672 下載
whisk 0.3.1
A simple Chef cookbook dependency manager
37,924 下載
small_wonder 0.1.10
A Deployment Tool
32,518 下載
ronin-wrapper 0.1.3
A wrapper to enable masterless configuration management, using Chef and/or Puppet.
29,052 下載
chef-core 0.0.6
Composable common actions for assembling Chef workflows
27,020 下載
nugget 0.0.11
a http and tcp testing service
26,650 下載