RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-spec-context 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-spec-context

mysql-binuuid-rails 1.3.0

Let ActiveRecord serialize and cast your UUIDs to and from binary columns in your datab...

1,705,884 下载

apipie-bindings 0.7.0

Bindings for API calls that are documented with Apipie. Bindings are generated on the fly.

496,037 下载

em-eventsource 0.3.2

em-eventsource is an eventmachine library to consume Server-Sent Events streaming API. ...

437,486 下载

ld-em-eventsource 0.2.4

ld-em-eventsource is an eventmachine library to consume Server-Sent Events streaming AP...

100,443 下载

heroku-bouncer 1.0.3

ID please.

81,550 下载

ebook_renamer 0.2.5

Bulk rename of ebook files (pdf, epub, mobi) based on embedded metadata

78,725 下载

vim_printer 0.2.7

Batch convert multiple files to htmls using the power of Vim editor

75,057 下载

filename_cleaner 0.4.8

Bulk rename and remove unwanted characters from list of files in any directory recursiv...

72,947 下载

agile_utils 0.3.2

My collection of library that I have used that can be shared across multiple projects

70,138 下载

html2pdf 0.2.6

Export list of html or xhtml files to pdfs with 'wkhtmltopdf'

59,541 下载

pdfs2pdf 0.2.5

Combine multiple pdf files into a single file with combined table of content for quick ...

53,150 下载

gem_bootstrap 0.3.2

Bootstrap the creation of ruby gem so that you don't have to start from scratch. ...

49,884 下载

ebooks_renamer 0.2.6

Bulk rename multiple ebook files (pdf, epub, mobi) using embedded metadata if available...

49,699 下载

model_presenter 0.1.3

Provides an implementation of Presenter pattern, but without needs fo Rails

31,379 下载

folders_renamer 0.2.5

Bulk cleanup/rename folders name that contain special characters with valid string (das...

29,622 下载

diameter 0.3.1

Pure-Ruby Diameter stack

25,419 下载


Ruby wrapper for Yandex.Cleanweb

25,211 下载

erv 0.3.5


21,869 下载

source2epub 0.2.9

Export any project from git repository or local directory to a single epub file. ...

21,176 下载

git.rb 0.14.1

Do stuff with git-blame, git-branch, git-log, and git-remote from Ruby.

20,650 下载

yandex_cleanweb 0.0.7

Ruby wrapper for Yandex.Cleanweb

20,357 下载

github_exporter 0.1.6

Export any project from Github (or a local directory) to a single pdf file. ...

19,980 下载

extension_lister 0.2.5

List unique file extensions from any starting directory recursively

19,199 下载

hammer_cli_foreman_virt_who_configure 0.1.2

Plugin for configuring Virt Who

18,307 下载

mp4_renamer 0.1.6

Rename the mp4 and m4a files by adding the running time to the end of the filename ...

17,764 下载

github-cloner 0.6.0

Clone/list multiple Github repositories for a given user/organization including private...

17,472 下载

source2pdf 0.2.6

Export any project from a given git repository (or a local directory) to a single pdf f...

16,684 下载

dir-archiver 0.1.5

Archive all directories having the given depth from a given directory. TL;DR: dir-arch...

15,474 下载

riagent 0.1.2

Provides Ruby on Rails integration for the Riak KV NoSQL database (plus Solr search)

14,531 下载

strict 1.5.0

Strictly define a contract for your objects and methods

14,218 下载

下载总量 774,054

这个版本 54,256



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
