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minitest-reportersの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はminitest-reportersを必要としています

elasticsearch-api 8.17.1

Ruby API for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

176,872,460 ダウンロード数

haml 6.3.0

An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine.

166,304,629 ダウンロード数

elasticsearch-transport 7.17.11

Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

150,270,922 ダウンロード数

fog-google 1.24.1

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Goo...

80,524,440 ダウンロード数

bootstrap-sass 3.4.1

bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop right into your ...

66,760,701 ダウンロード数

sshkit 1.24.0

A comprehensive toolkit for remotely running commands in a structured manner on groups ...

63,564,969 ダウンロード数

state_machines-activemodel 0.9.0

Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on ActiveModel

56,567,517 ダウンロード数

state_machines-activerecord 0.9.0

Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on ActiveRecord

54,702,284 ダウンロード数

graphiql-rails 1.10.4

Use the GraphiQL IDE for GraphQL with Ruby on Rails. This gem includes an engine, a con...

54,459,367 ダウンロード数

airbrussh 1.5.3

A replacement log formatter for SSHKit that makes Capistrano output much easier on the ...

41,494,627 ダウンロード数

hamlit 3.0.3

High Performance Haml Implementation

40,004,052 ダウンロード数

hamlit 3.0.3

High Performance Haml Implementation

40,004,052 ダウンロード数

azure-storage-common 2.0.4

Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Ruby

36,226,094 ダウンロード数

azure-storage-blob 2.0.3

Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Ruby

33,453,733 ダウンロード数

elastic-transport 8.4.0

Low level Ruby client for Elastic. See the `elasticsearch` or `elastic-enterprise-searc...

27,173,268 ダウンロード数

bootstrap 5.3.3

The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile ...

21,219,870 ダウンロード数

with_advisory_lock 5.1.0

Advisory locking for ActiveRecord

19,196,649 ダウンロード数

vite_ruby 3.9.1

Use Vite in Ruby and bring joy to your JavaScript experience

18,973,651 ダウンロード数

spoom 1.6.0

Useful tools for Sorbet enthusiasts.

18,847,149 ダウンロード数

influxdb-client 3.2.0

This is the official Ruby library for InfluxDB 2.

17,076,467 ダウンロード数

elasticsearch-dsl 0.1.10

A Ruby DSL builder for Elasticsearch

15,139,535 ダウンロード数

azure-core 0.1.15

Microsoft Azure Client Core Library for Ruby SDK

14,091,050 ダウンロード数

opensearch-api 2.2.0

Ruby API for OpenSearch. See the `opensearch-ruby` gem for full integration.

13,996,803 ダウンロード数

opensearch-transport 2.1.0

Ruby client for OpenSearch. See the `opensearch` gem for full integration.

13,996,031 ダウンロード数

strip_attributes 2.0.0

StripAttributes automatically strips all ActiveRecord model attributes of leading and t...

13,842,235 ダウンロード数

tiny_tds 3.2.0

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

12,774,978 ダウンロード数

tiny_tds 3.2.0

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

12,774,978 ダウンロード数

tiny_tds 3.2.0

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

12,774,978 ダウンロード数

tiny_tds 3.2.0

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

12,774,978 ダウンロード数

tiny_tds 3.2.0

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

12,774,978 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 39,202,652

このバージョンのみ 2,455,394




必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 1.9.3
