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methadone 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 methadone

rut 0.0.3

Rut is a CLI script that'll show you your routers uptime.

6,750 下載

command-line-favs 0.1.0

Commands are stored as a Command Name to Command map within your ~/.favs file and can b...

6,746 下載

howami 0.0.2

CLI tool to show a summary of Fitbit health statistics.

6,741 下載

mbtc 0.0.3

CLI para Mercado Bitcoin

6,722 下載

to_hipchat 1.0.0

Command-line app that sends data to a hipchat chatroom

6,662 下載

git_ocd 0.1.2

GitOCD watches a git repo for changes and automatically commits/pushes those changes

6,574 下載

wp_conversion 0.1.1

Convert a Wordpress XML backup into markdown files suitable for a jekyll site

6,439 下載

twido 0.0.1

A command line tool that can update and manage todo list on twitter.

6,228 下載

ocawari 0.9.7

If there is one thing that has plagued me over the years, it's that I constantly have m...

6,107 下載

sc_tmux 0.0.2

Make a remote tmux play well with ssh-agent

6,096 下載

vt 0.8.1

Vault Tree Command Line Application

6,065 下載

slack_mb_roamer 0.1.2

to-do: Write a longer description or delete this line.

6,031 下載

lsi 1.0.1

Interactively operate on a list.

6,020 下載

textractor-cli 0.1.2

Command line tool for the Textractor service.

5,670 下載

vcloud-cli-utils 0.9.0

Various simple CLI utilities to communicate with the vCloud Director API. Uses vcloud-c...

5,629 下載

vcloud_ipsec-vpn 0.1.1

A command line tool to allow use of a yaml configuration file to configure VPNs on a gi...

5,498 下載

c0f 0.0.1

c0f - CAN of Fingers. CAN Bus fingerprinting to passively determine make/model of vehicle

5,384 下載

snapgit 0.6.5

The most powerful way to share your commits

5,372 下載

wine-pdf 0.1.1

A simple utility to open PDF files in Wine.

5,364 下載

kmkr 0.0.2

kmkr is a CLI to create files prefixed by date (e.g. It supports crea...

5,284 下載

lmt 0.1.4

A literate tangler written in Ruby for use with MarkDown.

5,114 下載

asterisk-mailcmd 0.0.1

Asterisk voicemail emails enhancement

4,985 下載

simplemailer 1.0.0

A simple mailing script so I don't have to install a bunch of packages I don't need.

4,730 下載

infra-ctrl 0.1.6

Simple way to ls / ssh into vpns

4,629 下載

cleanup_recordings 0.1.1

Given an amount of space you want free this will remove recordings until we hit that va...

4,622 下載

gitloop 0.0.3

easily merge and rebase flat git history

4,601 下載

distributer 3.0.0

Allows files to be distributed from a directory via HTTP.

4,529 下載

gitme 0.0.1

Command line tool for fetching and configuring git directories

4,407 下載

google_scraper 0.0.1

Scrapes first 10 pages of google with given query

4,211 下載

elb2logstalgia 1.0.2

Translate AWS ELB logs to Logstalgia custom format.

4,152 下載

總下載次數 1,635,460

這個版本 308,384



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
