RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour methadone Latest version of the following gems require methadone

htmltoword 1.1.1

Convert html to word docx document.

1 406 761 Téléchargements

easyrsa 1.0.0

Easily generate OpenVPN certificates without needing the easyrsa packaged scripts

656 977 Téléchargements

ProMotion 3.0.0

ProMotion gives RubyMotion iOS view controllers a more Ruby-like API.

328 021 Téléchargements

uricp 0.0.37

Copy one URL to another with optional cacheing

208 464 Téléchargements

acmcommits 1.1.4

Lolcommits refactored for use at the UIUC branch of ACM.

192 695 Téléchargements

motion-prime 1.0.7

RubyMotion apps development framework

171 104 Téléchargements

acpc_poker_player_proxy 1.6.7

A smart proxy for a poker player that connects to the ACPC Dealer and manages match sta...

112 874 Téléchargements

build-buddy 1.16.4

A build buddy bot with GitHub and Slack integration.

96 147 Téléchargements

recent_ruby 0.1.5

CLI tool for your CI/CD to make sure a recent and secure ruby version is used.

93 428 Téléchargements

app-tools 1.18.0

Generate IPA files with correct Swift and symbol files for uploading to iTunesConnect. ...

85 038 Téléchargements

tomograph 3.2.7

Convert API Blueprint, Swagger and OpenAPI to routes and JSON-Schemas

80 719 Téléchargements

avv2word 1.1.39

Convert avv to word docx document.

74 205 Téléchargements

stack-kicker 0.0.26

application stack management tool for OpenStack

67 708 Téléchargements

clearsight 1.2.0

Common utilities for ClearSight Studio

49 161 Téléchargements

git_pretty_accept 1.0.0

`git-pretty-accept` is a script that rebases a pull request before merging to master. P...

45 205 Téléchargements

ki_middleman 1.0.0

Transforms JSON into other JSON

39 177 Téléchargements

cocoadex 1.6

CLI for Cocoa documentation reference

36 854 Téléchargements

cuesnap 1.2.5

A Ruby wrapper around mp3splt that makes splitting mp3s with a cue file super simple.

35 905 Téléchargements

appshot 0.0.8

AppShot takes an application aware snapshot of your drive volume (one day) using plugga...

34 658 Téléchargements

absgit 0.3.0

This gem contains a program which allows one to manipulate files in a Git repository fr...

31 440 Téléchargements

ass_launcher 0.7.0

Don't ask why this necessary. Believe this necessary!

30 673 Téléchargements

rsyncbackup 2.1.2

Yet another rsyncbackup script, this time in ruby

30 239 Téléchargements

public_ip 0.2.1

Ever questioned what is your public internet IP and you've forgotten how to do it. In...

26 301 Téléchargements

hsume2-aka 0.4.3

Manage Shell Keyboard Shortcuts

23 908 Téléchargements

wtf_chord 0.7.1

‘WTF Chord?’ is the Ruby guitar chords generator library.

22 652 Téléchargements

aka 0.6.0

Manage your aliases with style

22 416 Téléchargements

aws-kicker 0.0.7

Utility for kicking an application stack into life on Amazon EC2

21 484 Téléchargements

funding_primer 0.3.0

In order to visualise the products of two prime numbers, funding_primer will print out ...

20 730 Téléchargements

electric_eye 0.1.4

A network video recorder for multiple IP cameras which uses VLC to record and organises...

20 613 Téléchargements

expandsync 0.2.2

A command line app that synchronizes text expansion snippets between aText for OS X and...

20 459 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 1 635 187

Pour cette version 308 284

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
