methadone 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 methadone
dollar_to_euro 0.1.1
Command line tool to convert dollars to euros.
4,140 下载
lg-lcd 0.0.1
Ruby binding to the 'Logitech LCD SDK Package'
4,061 下载
nmunch 0.1.0
Nmunch is a passive network discovery tool that finds live network nodes by analyzing A...
4,005 下载
translate_yaml 0.0.2
Utility to generate yml locale files
3,941 下载
log_weaver 0.0.1
Weaves multiple log files into a single one using the timestamp in log entries. Precede...
3,922 下载
servicedesk 0.0.1
Uploads packages to the dropbox via http post method.
3,861 下载
fix_iphone_picture_orientation 0.0.1
Convert iPhone images to have a useful Orientation tag value and be internally correctl...
3,853 下载
jira-remotelinker 0.1.1
A small command line tool for creating remote links through the JIRA REST API
3,749 下载
primes_table 0.1.3
Command line tool for printing out a multiplication table of the first N prime numbers.
3,748 下载
website_inspector 0.0.4
A command line app packaged as a ruby gem that allows users to search a website for spe...
3,736 下载
notis 0.1.0
notis is a Mac OSX utility that allows you to display a standard OSX toast message noti...
3,667 下载
xcode-result-bundle-processor 1.0.0
xcode-result-bundle-processor converts Xcode test result bundles into friendly HTML rep...
3,412 下载
lean_motion 0.1
Make it more easy to use LeanCloud SDK in RubyMotion. Inspired by ParseModel.
3,400 下载
poke-stick 0.0.1
A command-line client for the Poke message transport server.
3,285 下载
activiti_mirror 0.1.0
activiti_mirror is a tool, which use to upload activit file to qiniu and download it
3,174 下载
findxcprojorphan 1.0.0
Finds source files unreferenced in Xcode project
3,171 下载
mitimes-htmltoword 0.1.0
Convert html to word docx document.
2,935 下载
FlickrCollage 0.1.1
This gem creates collage from 10 top-rated Flickr images for your keywords. It's a part...
2,762 下载
jar_download 0.1.0
jar download is used to download jar file from maven repoistroy
2,634 下载
overriaktion 0.0.1.beta1
Client gem for the Overriak service.
2,499 下载
janie-htmltoword 1.1.2
Convert html to word docx document.
2,431 下载