Dependencias inversas para meta_methods La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren meta_methods
acceptance_test 1.11.7
Description: simplifies congiguration and run of acceptance tests.
352.290 Descargas
zip_dsl 1.5.1
Library for working with zip file in DSL-way
64.170 Descargas
webmock_method 1.2.5
Extension for webmock to make stubbed methods.
26.324 Descargas
dir_dsl 1.0.7
Library for working with files and directories in DSL-way
24.763 Descargas
web_app_builder 1.0.8
Class that helps to keep database credentials for rails application in private place
23.598 Descargas
server_launcher 1.0.5
Convenient classes to manage servers from rake
18.859 Descargas
config-file 1.1.0
Description: Simple library for reading configuration from different sources.
12.058 Descargas