membrane 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 membrane
bosh_cpi 2.6.0
1,302,359 下載
bosh-director 1.3262.24.0
BOSH Director
948,558 下載
bosh_vsphere_cpi 2.2.2
871,898 下載
bosh_openstack_cpi 2.1.3
BOSH OpenStack CPI
870,978 下載
bosh_vcloud_cpi 0.12.1
163,194 下載
vcap_common 4.0.5
common vcap classes/methods
100,302 下載
bosh-workspace 0.9.14
Manage your bosh workspace
85,084 下載
schemata-dea 0.0.1.beta20
Specify schema for DEA messages and validate messages against defined schema
43,452 下載
schemata-router 0.0.1.beta11
Specify schema for Router messages and validate messages against defined schema
24,888 下載
schemata-health_manager 0.0.1.beta7
Specify schema for Health Manager messages and validate messages against defined ...
15,841 下載
schemata-cloud_controller 0.0.1.beta7
Specify schema for cloud controller messages and validate messages against define...
15,812 下載
bosh_lastpass_plugin 0.0.4
Short description.
11,522 下載
Specify schema for staging messages and validate messages against defined schema
8,751 下載
bosh_cpi_networking 2.7
BOSH CPI with network management support
6,683 下載
bosh-versions 0.1.1
Allows to see versions of BOSH releases and bosh-core gem.
6,093 下載
bosh-share 0.1.0
BOSH CLI Plugin to share workspaces and your positive experience.
6,049 下載
bosh-plugin-pipeline 0.2.1
BOSH CLI plug-in to create and manage BOSH CLI plug-ins.
6,015 下載
bosh-plugin-generator 0.0.1
Create file system tree structure for BOSH plugin development.
3,888 下載
bosh-openssl 0.0.1
Short description.
3,106 下載