main_branch_shared_rubocop_config 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 main_branch_shared_rubocop_config
process_executer 3.0.0
An API for executing commands in a subprocess
2,051,280 下載
create_github_release 2.1.2
A script that manages your gem version and creates a GitHub branch, PR, and release for...
9,191 下載
ruby_git 0.3.1
An object-oriented interface to the git command line. See for project progress.
7,280 下載
sheets_v4 0.10.0
Unofficial helpers and extensions for the Google Sheets V4 API
3,323 下載
simplecov-rspec 0.4.0
Configures RSpec to fail (and exit with with a non-zero exitcode) if the test coverage ...
2,611 下載
version_boss 0.2.0
Parse, compare, and increment RubyGem versions with the 'gem-version' CLI command or th...
1,838 下載
command_line_boss 0.2.0
Command Line Boss is a convenience layer over OptionsParser. It provides a simple way t...
942 下載
discovery_v1 0.2.0
Unofficial helpers and extensions for the Google Discovery V1 API
739 下載
bundler-gem_bytes 0.2.0
A bundler plugin that adds features to your existing Ruby Gems project. See [our repos...
429 下載