Dependencias inversas para lutaml-model La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren lutaml-model
lutaml 0.9.29
LutaML: data models in textual form
188.549 Descargas
plurimath 0.9.0
Converts LaTeX math into MathML.
111.319 Descargas
glossarist 2.3.3
Concept models for terminology glossaries conforming ISO 10241-1.
76.770 Descargas
xmi 0.3.16
XMI data model parser
28.468 Descargas
loc_mods 0.2.7
Library of Congress MODS / MADS parser
26.743 Descargas
ogc-gml 1.0.3
OGC GML data model parser
18.768 Descargas
ieee-idams 0.2.11
Library of Congress MODS / MADS parser
14.687 Descargas
mml 2.0.1
MathML parser and builder used in Plurimath.
13.256 Descargas
lutaml-xsd 1.0.3
Parser and builder for XML Schema Definition (XSD) files.
3.961 Descargas
unitsdb 1.0.0
Library to handle UnitsDB content.
3.836 Descargas
suma 0.1.7
Utility for SUMA (STEP Unified Model-Based Standards Architecture)
2.139 Descargas
termium 0.3.4
Parser for the TERMIUM Plus terminology database of the Government of Canada
2.099 Descargas
sts 0.3.3
Library to work with NISO STS and ISOSTS.
1.735 Descargas
paneron-register 0.3.2
Library to access register data from Paneron.
888 Descargas
modspec 0.1.3
Library to work with OGC ModSpec.
762 Descargas
genericode 0.1.2
Parser and generator for OASIS Genericode
615 Descargas
metaschema 0.1.2
Parser and generator for NIST Metaschema
585 Descargas
lutaml-hal 0.1.5
Hypertext Application Language (HAL) implementation for Lutaml model
502 Descargas
oasis-etm 0.1.0
Library for manipulation of OASIS Exchange Table Model XML.
271 Descargas
omml 0.1.0
OMML (Office Math Markup Language) parser and builder used in Plurimath.
262 Descargas
revix 0.1.1
Library to work with Metanorma document revision history.
256 Descargas
niso-jats 0.1.1
NISO JATS format parser
234 Descargas
reqif 0.1.0
A Ruby library for parsing and generating ReqIF data
230 Descargas
rng 0.1.1
Library to parse and build RELAX NG (RNG) and RELAX NG Compact Syntax (RNC) schemas.
206 Descargas
rfcxml 0.2.0
IETF RFC XML parser and generator
202 Descargas
w3c_api 0.1.0
A Ruby wrapper for the W3C web API with a CLI interface
124 Descargas