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looksee 0.0.1

Looksee lets you examine the method lookup path of objects in ways not possible in plain ruby. Pop this in your .irbrc : require 'looksee/shortcuts' This defines a method +lp+ ("lookup path") which lets you do: irb(main):001:0> lp [] => Array & concat frozen? push taguri * count hash rassoc taguri= + cycle include? reject take - delete index reject! take_while << delete_at indexes replace to_a <=> delete_if indices reverse to_ary == drop insert reverse! to_s [] drop_while inspect reverse_each to_yaml []= each join rindex transpose assoc each_index last select uniq at empty? length shift uniq! choice eql? map shuffle unshift clear fetch map! shuffle! values_at collect fill nitems size yaml_initialize collect! find_index pack slice zip combination first permutation slice! | compact flatten pop sort compact! flatten! product sort! Enumerable all? each_slice first min reverse_each any? each_with_index grep min_by select collect entries group_by minmax sort count enum_cons include? minmax_by sort_by cycle enum_slice inject none? take detect enum_with_index map one? take_while drop find max partition to_a drop_while find_all max_by reduce zip each_cons find_index member? reject Object taguri taguri= to_yaml to_yaml_properties to_yaml_style Kernel == hash object_id === id private_methods =~ inspect protected_methods __id__ instance_eval public_methods __send__ instance_exec respond_to? class instance_of? send clone instance_variable_defined? singleton_methods display instance_variable_get taint dup instance_variable_set tainted? enum_for instance_variables tap eql? is_a? to_a equal? kind_of? to_enum extend method to_s freeze methods type frozen? nil? untaint It'll also color the methods according to whether they're public, protected, private, or overridden. So pretty. You gotta try it. By default, it shows public and protected methods. Add private ones like so: lp [], :private => true lp [], :private # shortcut Or if you don't want protected: lp [], :protected => false There are variations too. And you can configure things. And you can use it as a library without polluting the built-in classes. See: $ ri Looksee Enjoy!




  1. 5.0.0 November 08, 2022 (65.0 KB)
  2. 4.4.0 January 18, 2021 (88.0 KB)
  3. 4.2.0 December 26, 2019 (77.0 KB)
  4. 4.1.0 March 25, 2019 (58.0 KB)
  5. 4.0.0 August 09, 2016 universal-java-1.8 (56.0 KB)
  6. 0.0.1 August 05, 2009 (16.0 KB)
顯示所有版本(共 32)

Development 相依性套件 (4):

hoe >= 2.3.2
mocha >= 0.9.5
newgem >= 1.5.1
rspec >= 1.2.7



  • George Ogata

SHA 256 總和檢查碼:


總下載次數 855,622

這個版本 4,134



Ruby 版本需求:
