logue 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 logue
svnx 2.14.1
Bridges the Subversion command line, returning Ruby objects.
63,059 下載
glark 1.10.5
Glark searches files for regular expressions, extending grep by matching complex expres...
24,612 下載
ragol 1.0.1
Another implementation of an option processor.
10,509 下載
command-cacheable 0.2.1
Executes on the command line, caching results for performance of repeated invocations.
5,840 下載
arbolobra 1.0.0
Converts flat output to a hierarchy, and outputs with nested sections.
4,830 下載
synoption 0.0.2
Another implementation of an option processor.
3,799 下載