locomotive_liquid 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 locomotive_liquid
locomotive_plugins 1.2.0
This gem allows developers to create plugins for Locomotive CMS with particular functio...
32,059 下载
locomotivecms_solid 0.2.2
The Solid gem from the TigerLily team but modified to work with LocomotiveCMS
28,924 下载
locomotivecms_builder 1.0.0.alpha8
The LocomotiveCMS builder is a site generator for the LocomotiveCMS engine
18,696 下载
tribeca_cms 0.1.1
A custom modification of locomotive
6,491 下载
kolach_locomotive_cms 2.0.0.rc13
This is a Devise version dependency bug patched Locomotive CMS v2.0.0.rc12. Devise upda...
4,654 下载