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kubeclient 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 kubeclient

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter 3.7.1

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

125,020,780 下載

krane 3.7.1

A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...

1,702,418 下載

fluent-plugin-kubernetes-objects 1.2.3

A Fluentd input plugin for collecting Kubernetes objects, e.g. pods, namespaces, events...

703,911 下載

kubernetes-deploy 0.31.1

Kubernetes deploy scripts

359,351 下載

fog-kubevirt 1.4.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog`.

236,009 下載

sensu-plugins-kubernetes 5.0.2

Provides monitoring for Kubernetes via Sensu

120,795 下載

openshift_client 1.2.0

A client for Openshift REST api

105,828 下載

biosphere 0.2.19

Terraform's HCL lacks quite many programming features like iterators, true variables, a...

89,458 下載

configgin 0.20.3

A simple cli app in Ruby to generate configurations using BOSH ERB templates and a BOSH...

67,539 下載

floe 0.15.1

Floe is a runner for Amazon States Language workflows.

52,970 下載

resque-kubernetes 3.0.0

Launches a Kubernetes Job when a Resque Job is enqueued, then terminates the worker whe...

50,787 下載

eks_cli 0.4.9

A utility to manage and create EKS (Kubernetes) cluster on Amazon Web Services

47,091 下載

cron-kubernetes 3.0.0

Configure and deploy Kubernetes CronJobs from ruby with a single schedule.

41,107 下載

persistence-providers 0.0.7

Persistence providers plugin

34,258 下載

kube_auto_analyzer 0.0.17

This is a gem used to help when conducting a security analysis of a Kubernetes cluster ...

30,291 下載

fluent-plugin-kubernetes-metrics 1.2.3

A fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes cluster.

29,917 下載

picsolve_docker_builder 0.5.5

Helper for building docker images.

29,786 下載

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_input 0.21.11

Input plugin to collect Kubernetes metadata

25,200 下載

kubert 0.2.2

Run tasks and discover/connect to pods in a kube cluster

23,739 下載

fluent-plugin-k8s-metrics-agg 1.2.3

A fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes clust...

21,506 下載

kubernetes-operator 0.1.4

Libary to create an kubernetes operator with ruby

16,599 下載

scaltainer 0.6.0

A ruby gem inspired by HireFire to autoscale kubernetes controllers and docker services...

16,026 下載

kubernetes_leader_election 0.3.0

Elect a kubernetes leader using leases for ruby

13,462 下載

rhea 0.2.0

A web UI for managing a Kubernetes cluster

8,571 下載

fluent-plugin-kubernetes-metrics-hbrewster 1.2.7

A fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes cluster.

8,311 下載

hbrewster-fluent-plugin-kubernetes-metrics 1.2.1

A fluentd input plugin that collects node and container metrics from a kubernetes cluster.

8,054 下載

beaker-gke 0.1.0

Add GKE support to Beaker acceptance testing tool

7,909 下載

kitchen-k8s 0.9.8

A Kubernetes Driver for Test Kitchen

7,486 下載

tobsch-krane 1.0.2

A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...

5,619 下載

reschedule 0.1.0

Automatic, configurable Kubernetes rescheduling

5,521 下載

總下載次數 41,091,468

這個版本 729,613




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
