kdtree 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 kdtree
nearest_time_zone 0.0.4
Quickly find the name of a time zone for a latitude and longitude without relying on a ...
1,039,139 下载
tzwhere 0.2.0
Time zone lookup by latitude/longitude using nearest neighbor implementation.
56,516 下载
london-bike-hire-cli 1.3.3
Find information about London's Bike Hire stations from command line interface.
11,298 下载
geonames-data 0.1.1
Library for working with Geonames data
8,908 下载
geo2tz 0.0.2
Get a ActiveSupport/Timezone from a given lat long
6,994 下载
tz_pickup 0.0.1
Simple tool for picking up timezone identifier using geographic coordinates.
4,183 下载