Dépendances inversées pour jchris-couchrest Latest version of the following gems require jchris-couchrest
georgepalmer-couch_foo 0.8.3
CouchFoo provides an ActiveRecord API interface to CouchDB
45 967 Téléchargements
addywaddy-couch_surfer 0.0.5
CouchSurfer provides an ORM for CouchDB, as well as supporting association and validati...
14 854 Téléchargements
kernul 1.0.0
A semi-centralized, highly extensible, and easy to manage generic web platform written ...
4 849 Téléchargements
samflores-couch_surfer 0.0.6
CouchSurfer provides an ORM for CouchDB, as well as supporting association and validati...
3 421 Téléchargements