java-properties 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 java-properties
fastlane-plugin-properties 1.1.2
Adds 4 actions to fastlane to read and update properties files.
1,318,583 下載
fastlane-plugin-wpmreleasetoolkit 13.1.0
GitHub helper functions
800,380 下載
tty-config 0.6.0
A highly customisable application configuration interface for building terminal tools. ...
537,268 下載
fastlane-plugin-gradle_properties 0.1.0
Read properties in your Fastfile easily
315,788 下載
cloudstrap 0.51.1.pre
Strapping Boots to Clouds
131,183 下載
fastlane-plugin-android_sdk_update 2.0.0
Install required Android-SDK packages
56,933 下載
structurebutcher 1.0.1
Read a config file and write it to a YAML file under specific key
27,637 下載
tes-request 0.12
Provide Tes-Client, Tes-Provider to use public Logic and data struct
21,271 下載
json2properties 0.0.5
Simple converted from JSON to Java properties
10,296 下載
i18n_po_tools 0.10.0
Utils to convert translations from source formats to PO/POT Gettex and vise versa. It a...
8,819 下載