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Dependencias inversas para itamae La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren itamae

daddy 0.9.19

Daddy helps me build web applications since daddy knows some good practices.

466.576 Descargas

infrataster 0.3.2

Infrastructure Behavior Testing Framework

458.740 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-rbenv 0.9.7

Itamae plugin to install ruby with rbenv

213.678 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-anyenv 0.4.0

Itamae plugin to install anyenv

112.935 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-selinux 0.0.5

Itamae selinux recipe plugin

75.565 Descargas

kondate 0.5.0

Kondate is yet another nodes management framework for Itamae/Serverspec.

67.889 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-selenium 0.4.9

itamae recipe for god process monitoring framework

62.559 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-daddy 0.1.30

itamae recipe collections

45.819 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-supervisor 0.1.0

itamae recipe for supervisor process state controlling framework

42.339 Descargas

itamae-plugin-resource-iptables 0.0.2

itamae resource plugin to manage iptables.

37.977 Descargas

itamae-plugin-resource-pip 1.1.0

itamae plugin resource pip

36.680 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-god 0.2.9

itamae recipe for god process monitoring framework

35.839 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-rtn_rbenv 0.1.5

Itamae Recipe 'rbenv'

34.602 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-passenger 0.1.7

itamae recipe for passenger installation

32.190 Descargas

tenma 0.10.0

Tenma is command line tool for mobile application development.

30.947 Descargas

itamae-recipe-seasoning 0.1.0

a patch to add seasonings to itamae recipes

28.135 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-nodebrew 0.1.1

Itamae Recipe 'nodebrew'

26.642 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-consul 0.1.5

Itamae plugin to install Consul with init scripts

26.164 Descargas

itamae-plugin-resource-encrypted_remote_file 0.0.3

encrypt secret data, and forward decrypted file to remote.

25.806 Descargas

itamae-plugin-resource-cask 0.2.4

Itamae resource plugin to manage homebrew cask packages.

25.603 Descargas

hocho 0.3.8

Server provisioning tool with itamae

23.147 Descargas

itamae-plugin-resource-npm 0.2.0

Install node package globally in itamae provision.

22.321 Descargas

capistrano-itamae 1.0.2

Run itamae in capistrano task

21.134 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-redmine 0.2.10

itamae recipe to ease redmine installation

20.908 Descargas

itamae-plugin-resource-firewalld 0.1.1

Itamae resource plugin to manage firewalld.

20.632 Descargas

itamae-node_env 0.0.8

Environment variables in the node file

20.582 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-nginx_build 0.1.6

Itamae plugin to install nginx-build

19.953 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-homebrew 0.0.3

Plugin to support the HomeBrew for Itamae

18.950 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-datadog 0.3.1

Itamae plugin to install datadog-agent.

18.834 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-idcf-backup_to_object_storage 0.1.6

An itamae plugin to backup directories to IDCF Object Storage

17.065 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.150.009

Para esta versión 44.842

Versión publicada:



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Versión publicada con AMF: true
