RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para interactor La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren interactor

interactor-rails 2.3.0

Interactor Rails provides Rails support for the Interactor gem.

5.532.702 Descargas

interactor-contracts 0.3.0

Interactors are a pattern for structuring your business logic into units. They have a f...

706.217 Descargas

service_actor 4.0.0

Service objects for your application logic

624.865 Descargas

metaractor 3.3.4

Adds parameter validation and error control to interactor

79.263 Descargas

disco_app 0.18.6

Rails engine for Shopify applications.

75.795 Descargas

pulsar 1.1.0

Manage your Capistrano deployments with ease

74.357 Descargas

interactor-schema 0.2.2

Interactor::Schema provides an enforcable Interactor Context

36.710 Descargas

rails_base 0.82.0

Rails Engine that handles authentication, admin, 2fa, audit tracking, with insane confi...

32.184 Descargas

troupe 0.1.0

This gem layers a contract DSL onto the interactor gem.

31.304 Descargas

convenient_service 0.19.1

Yet another approach to revisit the service object pattern in Ruby, but this time focus...

27.435 Descargas

cron_to_go_sync 0.0.3

Library to synchronize a checked-in YAML file with the SaaS scheduled task service Cron...

25.095 Descargas


domain_driven provides Rails abstract classes and generators to support for a Domain Dr...

23.909 Descargas

apress-api 1.24.2


20.459 Descargas

active_record_migration_ui 0.1.2

Shows a web view when you have pending migration scripts and executes them for your aut...

19.489 Descargas

interactor-async 0.0.2

Off-load interactors to a background job with `call_later`.

17.310 Descargas

interactor-copy_context 0.0.3

Copy interactor context on specified object's instance variables to allow easier intera...

15.200 Descargas

overture 0.2.1

Compilation of tools and configurations that will help you get started with your back-e...

14.948 Descargas

tracker-application 0.0.13

Application logic for a tracker app

10.566 Descargas

versi 0.3.2

Release Version Automation for GIT

9.828 Descargas

ifocustt 0.0.5

If Focus, Then That. Do stuff when you need to focus.

9.809 Descargas

peafowl 0.1.1

Decorate your code like a Peafowl

7.490 Descargas

interactify 0.5.0

Adds the following to your interactor chains - lambda support - iteration - condi...

6.088 Descargas

domain_driven_rails 0.0.1

Domain Driven Rails provides Rails abstract classes and generators to support for a Dom...

6.059 Descargas

prelands_rails 0.1.5

Код, занимающийся валидацией и публикацией прелендов V4.

5.465 Descargas

fronty-gem 0.1.2

Welcome to world’s first web page design to source code converting service. Now you get...

5.308 Descargas

activejob-interactor 0.0.1

Run your interactors as background jobs via active job

5.145 Descargas

passkeys-rails 0.3.3

Devise is awesome, but we don't need all that UI/UX for PassKeys. This gem is to make i...

4.979 Descargas

foreman_netbox 1.2.0

Adds integration with NetBox

4.957 Descargas

logic_pro 1.1

Interactor + Form Object + ActiveModel::Validation

4.288 Descargas

interactor-clearcontext 0.1.11

Improve readability of your code written with Interactor gem.

3.736 Descargas

Total de descargas 19.838.944

Para esta versión 15.462.845

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
