Dépendances inversées pour influxdb Latest version of the following gems require influxdb
logstash-output-influxdb 5.0.6
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
503 094 Téléchargements
influxdb-rails 1.0.3
This gem instruments your Ruby on Rails application using InfluxDB.
489 017 Téléchargements
fluent-plugin-influxdb 2.1.0
InfluxDB output plugin for Fluentd
336 788 Téléchargements
sensu-plugins-influxdb 2.0.0
This plugin provides native InfluxDB instrumentation for ...
171 314 Téléchargements
sidekiq-influxdb 1.4.1
Writes Sidekiq job metrics to InfluxDB
123 442 Téléchargements
influxer 2.0.0
InfluxDB the Rails way
103 858 Téléchargements
hallmonitor 5.2.0
Hallmonitor is a simple event monitoring framework in Ruby
92 002 Téléchargements
telegraf_agent 0.1.1
Telegraf agent
84 144 Téléchargements
red_cross 0.4.2
Redcross gem transport events to an event collector
69 432 Téléchargements
civo-logger 0.4.0
Sends each request individually to Redis
55 822 Téléchargements
influxdb_setup 1.1.1
Rake task for setting up an influxdb database and queries
45 402 Téléchargements
pmetric 1.1.0
Enables configurable metric collection for Rails apps.
37 850 Téléchargements
influxdb-cli 0.1.4
Ruby CLI for InfluxDB
31 320 Téléchargements
umbrtonic 0.2.0
Gem for transferring Active Support Instrumentation events to the InfluxDB database via...
28 776 Téléchargements
api-harvester 0.0.9
Allows you to specify an endpoint to retrieve data from, parse it, and store into any d...
26 121 Téléchargements
sensu-plugins-influxdb-q 0.0.9
This plugin provides facilities for running queries against InfluxDB
24 442 Téléchargements
cloudscale 0.0.9
A Monitoring Client for Cloud Infrastructure provided by evoila.de
23 885 Téléchargements
cloudwatch-sender 0.3.2
Get metrics from Cloudwatch and send to Graphite/InfluxDB
17 001 Téléchargements
skalera-services 0.2.5
Helper gem to handle services in consul.
16 774 Téléchargements
fluent-plugin-influxdb_metrics 0.0.4
InfluxDB output plugin for Fluentd
12 979 Téléchargements
influx_reporter 1.2.2
Metrics collector for rails and InfluxDB based on Opbeat Ruby client library
12 788 Téléchargements
rb2db 0.2.2
Write CPU and Memory info to InfluxDB with Ruby
12 697 Téléchargements
yabeda-prometheus2influxdb 0.2.0
Experimental gem to push metrics in Prometheus format to InfluxDB endpoint.
12 438 Téléchargements
sensu-plugins-green-dragon 0.1.7
Custom Sensu plugins used by the Green Dragons
12 412 Téléchargements
nark 0.1.0
abstraction layer for publishing analytics events.
11 074 Téléchargements
capistrano-influxdb 0.0.2
Capistrano v3 task for reporting deploys to InfluxDB
9 044 Téléchargements
influxdb-logger 2.0.0
Influxdb logger
8 842 Téléchargements
fastlane-plugin-influxdb 0.2.1
Post values to InfluxDB
8 576 Téléchargements
experimental-influxdb-rails 1.0.0.beta5
This gem automatically instruments your Ruby on Rails 4.2/5.x applications using Influx...
8 391 Téléchargements
fluent-plugin-deis-kafka 0.2.2
Fluentd plugin to send deis-router metricsto influxdb through kafka
8 222 Téléchargements