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hyrax 2.3.1

Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera software components.




  1. 5.0.1 March 29, 2024 (1,64 Mo)
  2. 5.0.0 March 01, 2024 (1,65 Mo)
  3. 5.0.0.rc3 February 23, 2024 (1,65 Mo)
  4. 5.0.0.rc2 October 20, 2023 (1,61 Mo)
  5. 5.0.0.rc1 August 25, 2023 (1,6 Mo)
  6. 2.3.1 September 25, 2018 (7,26 Mo)
Voir toutes les versions (84)

Dépendances de Runtime (46):

active-fedora >= 11.5.2, ~> 11.5
almond-rails ~> 0.1
blacklight ~> 6.14
carrierwave ~> 1.0
dry-equalizer ~> 0.2
dry-struct ~> 0.1
flipflop ~> 2.3
flot-rails ~> 0.0.6
hydra-editor < 5.0, >= 3.3
hydra-head >= 10.5.0
hydra-works < 2.0, >= 0.16
iiif_manifest < 0.5, >= 0.3
legato ~> 0.3
linkeddata >= 0
mailboxer ~> 0.12
nest ~> 3.1
noid-rails ~> 3.0.0
oauth >= 0
oauth2 ~> 1.2
power_converter >= 0.1.2, ~> 0.1
pul_uv_rails ~> 2.0
qa ~> 2.0
rails ~> 5.0
rdf-rdfxml >= 0
redlock >= 0.1.2
retriable < 4.0, >= 2.9
select2-rails ~> 3.5
signet >= 0
simple_form <= 3.5.0, ~> 3.2
tinymce-rails ~> 4.1

Dépendances de Development (23):

bixby ~> 1.0.0
capybara < 2.18.0, ~> 2.4
engine_cart ~> 2.0
factory_bot ~> 4.4
fcrepo_wrapper >= 0.5.1, ~> 0.5
jasmine < 2.99, ~> 2.3
jasmine-core < 2.99, ~> 2.3
mida ~> 0.3
rspec-its ~> 1.1
rspec-rails ~> 3.1
solr_wrapper < 3.0, >= 1.1
webmock >= 0



  • Justin Coyne, Michael J. Giarlo, Carolyn Cole, Matt Zumwalt, Jeremy Friesen, Trey Pendragon, Esmé Cowles

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 234 081

Pour cette version 1 851

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.3

New versions require MFA: true
