Dépendances inversées pour http2 Latest version of the following gems require http2
knjrbfw 0.0.116
Including stuff for HTTP, SSH and much more.
358 255 Téléchargements
openall_time_applet 0.0.45
Off-line time-tracking for OpenAll with syncing when online.
124 912 Téléchargements
genderize_io_rb 0.0.11
A small Gem that makes it possible to determine gender from a name via the Genderize.io...
97 839 Téléchargements
hayabusa 0.0.30
A threadded web/app-server that focuses on threadding, shared ressources, speed and more.
79 473 Téléchargements
knjappserver 0.0.30
Which supports a lot of undocumented stuff.
76 336 Téléchargements
php4r 0.0.4
A lib containing various PHP-functions coded in Ruby. You can either use it or use it a...
47 513 Téléchargements
apsis-on-steroids 0.0.13
A Ruby API for the Apsis mail service.
47 435 Téléchargements
google_search_cmdline 0.0.0
A small app for doing Google searches and showing the results on the command line.
4 316 Téléchargements
knjtasks 0.0.3
A longer description will come...
4 173 Téléchargements