Dépendances inversées pour holidays Latest version of the following gems require holidays
ach 0.6.5
ach is a Ruby helper for building and parsing ACH files. In particular, it helps with f...
2 613 129 Téléchargements
effective_resources 2.27.6
Make any controller an effective resource controller.
670 225 Téléchargements
business_calendar 3.1.1
Helper gem for dealing with business days and date adjustment in multiple countries.
515 590 Téléchargements
business-days 4.2.1
Methods to check if a given date is a business days and to perform computations based o...
212 309 Téléchargements
opsask 2.3.10
Ask Ops for stuff.
92 077 Téléchargements
ae_bank_days 2.2.0
Gem for finding the next banking date.
90 800 Téléchargements
effective_cpd 1.7.2
Continuing professional development and audits rails engine
69 471 Téléchargements
workdays 0.1.1
Provides a number of convenience methods to simplify calculating dates while respecting...
68 752 Téléchargements
pg_rails 7.6.35
Rails goodies.
45 255 Téléchargements
holiday_tools 0.1.0
List regions of public holidays
36 095 Téléchargements
beggar 1.0.4
Tool for generating time reports from Basecamp. You can specify rate for each project a...
31 332 Téléchargements
balboa 0.1.7
Make Balboa do the punches for you
23 243 Téléchargements
webrelay_scheduler 0.7.0
Set the relay state of ControlByWeb webrelays
17 350 Téléchargements
sfcbus 0.0.4
Ruby gem that provides bus information at Keio Univ SFC.
9 434 Téléchargements
stock_pivot 0.0.3
Given a stock symbol & margin balance, stockpivot will calculate tomorrow's possibl...
8 087 Téléchargements
dateoperations 0.0.3
Simple date operations to determine weekends, holidays, and esp. business days. Based o...
7 115 Téléchargements
bambora-batch_upload 0.2.0
Ruby wrapper to upload batch files to Bambora.
6 833 Téléchargements
pacing 2.2.1
Pacing is built for cases where there are therapy frequency limitations that need to be...
6 594 Téléchargements
xoggl 1.4.0
Simple Toggl cli
6 413 Téléchargements
holidays_img 1.1.0
A holiday-aware image_tag wrapper.
4 561 Téléchargements
dollar_to_euro 0.1.1
Command line tool to convert dollars to euros.
4 137 Téléchargements
nasdaq_schedule 1.0.0
Ruby gem extension for ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone. Responsible for giving detailed inf...
3 368 Téléchargements
jira_reporting 0.0.1
Misc tools for gathering data
2 341 Téléchargements
formatic 0.1.4
A little bit like simple_form but as VewComponents and more minimalistic.
500 Téléchargements