Dépendances inversées pour hoe-version Latest version of the following gems require hoe-version
alfred-workflow 2.0.5
alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred](http://www.alfredapp.com) wo...
167 862 Téléchargements
hoe-manns 2.1.8
hoe-manns is a small collection of my personal used rake tasks for using with hoe.
69 744 Téléchargements
openmeta.rb 2.3.0
**openMeta** in Ruby (support ruby 1.8, ruby 2.0 with RubyCocoa 1.2.0, and MacRuby). Th...
56 100 Téléchargements
rake-distribute 1.5.1
Generate rake distribute:install, uninstall, and diff tasks to distribute items (files,...
28 472 Téléchargements
front-matter 1.2.1
This gem extracts embeded info (yaml front matters, for example ) in source code commen...
17 647 Téléchargements
vimdo 1.2.1
Vimdo is a ruby gem to automate tasks with vim remote servers. Predefined tasks include...
14 649 Téléchargements