RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para hoe-git La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren hoe-git

color 1.8

Color is a Ruby library to provide basic RGB, CMYK, HSL, and other colourspace manipula...

13.287.506 Descargas

loofah-activerecord 2.0.0

+loofah-activerecord+ extends +loofah+'s HTML sanitization into Rails ActiveRecord mode...

4.209.169 Descargas

rubypython 0.6.4

RubyPython is a bridge between the Ruby and Python interpreters. It embeds a running Py...

1.492.954 Descargas

async_sinatra 1.3.0

A Sinatra plugin to provide convenience whilst performing asynchronous responses inside...

805.930 Descargas

csspool-st 3.1.2

Fork of CSSPool. CSSPool is a CSS parser. CSSPool provides a SAC interface for parsing...

228.149 Descargas

isolate 4.0.0

Isolate is a very simple RubyGems sandbox. It provides a way to express and automatical...

211.828 Descargas

alfred-workflow 2.0.5

alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...

167.859 Descargas

hoe-bundler 1.5.0

Generate a Gemfile based on a Hoe spec's declared dependencies.

166.291 Descargas

hoe-debugging 2.0.0

A Hoe plugin to help you debug your C extensions. This plugin provides `test:gdb` and `...

133.375 Descargas

csspool 4.0.5

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

104.609 Descargas

barby-pdf417 0.1.2

Pdf417 support for Barby.

95.624 Descargas

barby-pdf417 0.1.2

Pdf417 support for Barby.

95.624 Descargas

klomp 1.0.8

Klomp is a simple [Stomp] messaging client that keeps your sanity intact. The purpose ...

62.615 Descargas

openmeta.rb 2.3.0

**openMeta** in Ruby (support ruby 1.8, ruby 2.0 with RubyCocoa 1.2.0, and MacRuby). Th...

56.100 Descargas

buncher 1.0.16

buncher implements a variant of the popular k-means clustering algorithm as a native ru...

51.718 Descargas

geti 3.1.1

A middleware gem for interfacing with Global eTelecom's ACH processing service.

50.813 Descargas

i18n-tasks-csv 1.1

This is a packaged gem version of the CSV import/export tasks on the {i18n-tasks Wiki}[...

48.951 Descargas

hoe-telicopter 1.0.0

Hoe plugin providing tasks used by hotelicopter, currently just the email plugin from t...

47.966 Descargas

hoe-gemspec2 1.3.0

Adds support for generation of gemspec files to Hoe. By default, excludes the signing k...

46.701 Descargas

lorax 0.2.0

The Lorax is a full diff and patch library for XML/HTML documents, based on Nokogiri. ...

43.538 Descargas

kinetic_cafe_error 1.12

kinetic_cafe_error provides an API-smart error base class and a DSL for defining errors...

42.215 Descargas

sinatra-default_charset 0.2.0


41.724 Descargas

net-ldap-1 0.4.0

Net::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the Lightweight ...

36.883 Descargas

g1nn13-image_science 1.2.10

g1nn13 fork changes: * added buffer() method to get image buffer for writing (to Amazo...

36.551 Descargas

mcbean 0.4.0

McBean can convert documents from one format to another. McBean currently supports: * ...

32.003 Descargas

cartage-remote 2.2

cartage-remote is a plug-in for {cartage}[] to bu...

31.963 Descargas

rake-distribute 1.5.1

Generate rake distribute:install, uninstall, and diff tasks to distribute items (files,...

28.472 Descargas

minitest-bonus-assertions 3.0

Bonus assertions for {Minitest}[], providing asser...

28.156 Descargas

cartage 2.2.1

Cartage provides a repeatable means to create a package for a server-side application t...

27.914 Descargas

build_watcher 0.1.4

Monitors the build status of projects on and sends out notificatio...

23.919 Descargas

Total de descargas 193.002

Para esta versión 122.693

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
