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google-api-client 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 google-api-client

fluent-plugin-google-cloud 0.13.3

Fluentd plugins for the Stackdriver Logging API, which will make logs viewable in th...

4,778,184 下載

fluent-plugin-bigquery 3.3.1

Fluentd plugin to store data on Google BigQuery, by load, or by stream inserts

2,437,286 下載

gitlab-fog-google 1.14.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Goo...

1,647,991 下載

gcewinpass 1.1.0

Reset a password on a Google Compute Engine instance running Windows.

890,764 下載

supply 1.0.0

Command line tool for updating Android apps and their metadata on the Google Play Store

860,343 下載

bigquery 0.9.0

This library is a wrapper around the google-api-client ruby gem. ...

293,413 下載

adops_report_scrapper 0.2.52

Adops Report Scrapper is a collection of web scrappers that can automatically extract t...

276,727 下載

google_spreadsheet_fetcher 2.2.0

Google Spreadsheet fetcher

226,994 下載

embulk-input-bigquery 0.1.0

embulk input plugin from bigquery.

183,458 下載

sufia-models 6.7.0

Models and services for sufia

161,366 下載

rhoconnect 7.6.0

RhoConnect App Integration Server and related command-line utilities

156,995 下載

bcome 2.0.1

Generate custom management interfaces from simple configuration and Ruby code. On-premi...

141,077 下載


The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

114,216 下載

datapimp 1.2.11

Your rails app in a custom tailored suit.

101,441 下載

knife-google 5.0.11

Google Compute Engine Support for Chef's Knife Command

99,426 下載

ruby_astm 1.5.4

This gem provides a server that can handle communication from medical instruments that ...

95,183 下載

paperclip-googledrive 0.1.3

paperclip-googledrive extends paperclip support of storage for google drive storage

94,161 下載

web_stat 0.6.0

Fetch the web pages and stat.

90,422 下載

flash_flow 1.6.2

Flash flow is a command line tool for keeping your acceptance environment up to date

78,856 下載

middleman-google_drive 0.3.13

Pull content from a google spreadsheet to use in your middleman site.

74,347 下載

rcloadenv 0.2.1

rcloadenv is a tool for loading configuration from the Google Runtime Config API into e...

70,485 下載

embulk-input-google_spreadsheets 1.1.1

Load records from Google Spreadsheets.

65,153 下載

bigquery_migration 0.3.2

Migrate BigQuery table schema.

64,609 下載

glass-rails 1.0.5

A framework for creating google glass applications using ruby on rails.

64,332 下載

embulk-input-google_analytics 0.1.24

Loads records from Google Analytics.

62,071 下載

sport_ngin_aws_auditor 4.3.2

Helps with AWS configuration

58,521 下載

concerto_calendar 0.0.9

Simple support to render google calendar v2/v3 or iCal content in Concerto 2.

56,141 下載

gdrivestrg 0.0.17

Ruby plugin that installs the Google Drive driver for Cloudstrg system

54,114 下載

open-dock 0.1.18

Encapsulates Operations commands for complex server clouds: Provision and Configuration...

53,798 下載

yourub 2.0.3

Youtube API v3 parser

53,685 下載

總下載次數 169,781,459

這個版本 24,601,026




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4
