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gir_ffi 0.17.0

GirFFI creates bindings for GObject-based libraries at runtime based on introspection data provided by the GObject Introspection Repository (GIR) system. Bindings are created at runtime and use FFI to interface with the C libraries. In cases where the GIR does not provide enough or correct information to create sane bindings, overrides may be created.




  1. 0.17.0 December 31, 2023 (77 KB)
  2. 0.16.1 October 07, 2023 (77 KB)
  3. 0.16.0 May 21, 2022 (76,5 KB)
  4. 0.15.9 December 05, 2021 (77 KB)
  5. 0.15.8 November 20, 2021 (77 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (89)

Runtime Dependencies (2):

ffi ~> 1.16, >= 1.16.3
ffi-bit_masks ~> 0.1.1

Development Dependencies (12):

aruba ~> 2.0
minitest ~> 5.12
minitest-focus ~> 1.3, >= 1.3.1
rake ~> 13.0
rake-manifest ~> 0.2.0
rexml ~> 3.0
rspec-mocks ~> 3.5
rubocop ~> 1.59
rubocop-minitest ~> 0.34.1
simplecov ~> 0.22.0


Pushed by:


  • Matijs van Zuijlen

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 409.879

Desta versão 1.124

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: >= 3.0.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
