gc_ruboconfig 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 gc_ruboconfig
statesman 12.1.0
A statesman-like state machine library
4,974,879 下載
business 2.3.0
Date calculations based on business calendars
2,499,628 下載
nandi 0.13.0
Fear-free migrations for PostgreSQL
190,251 下載
anony 1.6.0
A small library that defines how ActiveRecord models should be anonymised for deletion ...
160,935 下載
creditsafe 0.7.0
Ruby client for the Creditsafe SOAP API
140,794 下載
passfort 0.4.2
Client for the PassFort API
41,233 下載
kitlog 1.0.0
Logger for Ruby that imitates go-kit logger
13,774 下載
ncco 0.2.0
Build and validate Nexmo Call Control Objects (NCCOs) with a simple API
5,225 下載
prime_products 0.2.0
Output the multiplication table of the first `n` prime numbers
5,198 下載
prometheus-client-tracer 1.1.0
Tracer for accurate duration tracking with Prometheus metrics
4,295 下載
statesman_mongoid 0.5.0
Mongoid adapters for Statesman
2,985 下載
business_day 3.1.0
Date calculations based on business calendars
2,599 下載