fog-local 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fog-local
carrierwave 3.1.1
Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...
114,960,737 下載
paperclip 6.1.0
Easy upload management for ActiveRecord
77,500,759 下載
fog 2.3.0
The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...
58,408,158 下載
kt-paperclip 7.2.2
Easy upload management for ActiveRecord
14,514,808 下載
decidim-core 0.29.2
Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.
358,306 下載
adhoq 1.0.2
Rails engine to generate instant reports from adhoc SQL query.
115,960 下載
dis 1.1.15
Dis is a Rails plugin that stores your file uploads and other binary blobs.
60,440 下載
shipitron 1.4.1
A deployment tool for use with Docker and ECS.
37,854 下載
consul_bridge 0.1.5
Discover consul master nodes and join local agent
14,746 下載
consul_stockpile 0.1.5
Bootstrap and backup for consul kv store
11,962 下載
backedup 5.0.0.beta.5
BackedUp is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easi...
6,111 下載
fog-ifeel 2.2.0
The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...
2,764 下載
paperclip_jk 5.0.0.beta2
Easy upload management for ActiveRecord
1,857 下載
salebot_uploader 1.0.0
Library for uploader file from Salebot.
417 下載