fog-google 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 fog-google
carrierwave 3.1.1
Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...
114,960,737 下载
fog 2.3.0
The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...
58,408,158 下载
gitlab_quality-test_tooling 2.8.0
A collection of test-related tools.
20,088,127 下载
bosh_cli_plugin_micro 1.3262.24.0
BOSH CLI plugin for Micro BOSH deployment
990,491 下载
vagrant-google 2.7.0
Enables Vagrant to manage Google Compute Engine instances.
158,013 下载
avst-cloud 0.1.42
Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers
75,996 下载
cyclid 0.4.0
The Cyclid CI system
24,362 下载
backedup 5.0.0.beta.5
BackedUp is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easi...
6,111 下载
fog-ifeel 2.2.0
The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...
2,764 下载
salebot_uploader 1.0.0
Library for uploader file from Salebot.
417 下载