RubyGems Navigation menu

filewatcher 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 filewatcher

dyndoc-ruby 1.5.0

Provide templating in text document.

168,783 下载

nimbu 0.13.2

Client library and command-line tool to design and manage websites on the Nimbu platform.

168,527 下载

scms 4.5.1

A static website CMS for Amazon's S3

166,436 下载

bashly 1.2.10

Generate bash command line tools using YAML configuration

149,126 下载

salesforce-deploy-tool 3.3.4

A tool to help you at deploying and pulling code and metadata from salesforce

132,906 下载

maglove 2.0.11

This gem contains development and built tools for creating MagLoft themes.

105,231 下载

shopify_theme 0.0.25

Command line tool to help with developing Shopify themes. Provides simple commands to d...

91,407 下载

pakyow-core 1.0.6

Core functionality for Pakyow

70,826 下载

rusic 2.0.1

Theme creation and deployment for the Rusic platform

63,398 下载

glimmer-cs-gladiator 0.11.2

Gladiator (short for Glimmer Editor) is a Code Editor / IDE beta project under on-going...

61,433 下载

bigrig 0.6.2

Bigrig knows how to ship your composite docker applications

53,166 下载

gourami 1.4.0

Create Plain Old Ruby Objects that take attributes, validate them, and perform an action.

47,403 下载

bobkit 0.2.3

Site Generation Toolkit with Slim, SCSS, CoffeeScript and Markdown

46,926 下载

filewatcher-cli 1.1.0

CLI for Filewatcher.

44,160 下载

miyuki 0.5.10

Miyuki downloads automatically every episode of anime you're watching

43,044 下载


Command Line tool for developing themes in Tray E-commerce

39,184 下载

voom-presenters 2.1.2

Presenters Gem.

34,697 下载

k_builder-watch 0.0.24

K-Builder-Watch will watch k_builder files and when they change, execute them

30,907 下载

dyntask-ruby 0.5.0

Managing dyndoc tasks.

27,980 下载

repo_timetracker 1.0.11

A timetracker for git commits.

25,765 下载

twee2 0.5.0

Designed for those who preferred the Twee (for Twine 1) approach to source management, ...

24,518 下载

electric_eye 0.1.4

A network video recorder for multiple IP cameras which uses VLC to record and organises...

20,671 下载

filewatcher-matrix 1.0.0

Spawn Filewatchers from file with path-command matrix.

19,386 下载

ssproto 1.0.7

Single page slim prototyping (use of sass and compass and coffeescript is encouraged)

17,984 下载

wp-fire 0.1.0

Wordpress theme generator with Coffee Script and Sass support

17,913 下载

gitignore_rb 0.3.0

A Ruby binding around, a Rust implementation of .gitignore file parsing an...

16,259 下载

call_me_ruby 1.2.0

Simple, declarative, ActiveModel style callbacks (aka hooks or events) in Ruby! Once mi...

16,201 下载

kajabi_theme 0.5.0

Command line tool to help with developing Kajabi themes. Provides some commands detect ...

15,894 下载

kisko-suits 0.3.0

This app was meant to compile markdown partials as one document for our sales team usin...

15,208 下载

sassconf 0.1.7

With the Sassconf command tool you can use a config file for defining your Sass options...

14,191 下载

下载总量 1,562,550

这个版本 273,818




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6, < 4

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true
