Dependencias inversas para ffi-xattr La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren ffi-xattr
tms 1.7.4
View avaliable Time Machine backups and show their diff
71.918 Descargas
rfuse 2.0.0
Write userspace filesystems in Ruby
50.886 Descargas
rfusefs 2.0.0
A more Ruby like way to write FUSE filesystems - inspired by (compatible with) FuseFS, ...
41.303 Descargas
jekyll-paspagon 1.0.7
Sell your Jekyll posts in various formats for cryptocurrencies
18.548 Descargas
fspath-xattr 1.0.4
FSPath methods xattr and lxattr to work with extended attributes using ffi-xattr gem
14.460 Descargas
rack-webdav 0.4.5
WebDAV handler for Rack (dav4rack based)
11.197 Descargas
fsinv 0.1.4
fsinv indexes file systems. It creates a complex inventory of one or more file system h...
8.895 Descargas
shotwellfs 0.0.1
A Fuse filesystem to remap image files according to shotwell metadata
5.451 Descargas
gflocator 0.0.1
a daemon for providing responses to queries against file locations of GlusterFS
4.498 Descargas
macos-tags 0.2.0
Ruby interface to get macos Finder tags
4.151 Descargas
finder_tags 0.1.1
Library & utility for reading tags from
3.435 Descargas
resource_clean 0.1.0
Delete resource file and xattr
3.391 Descargas
ckfiles 0.9.3
General file integrity checker, can check recursively. Support SFV, MD5, ZIP, CBZ, 7Z, ...
2.268 Descargas
checking-you-out 0.7.0
File type identification library.
2.202 Descargas