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fastlane 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fastlane

cert 2.0.0

Create new iOS code signing certificates

913,353 下載

produce 2.0.0

Create new iOS apps on iTunes Connect and Dev Portal using the command line

907,026 下載

produce 2.0.0

Create new iOS apps on iTunes Connect and Dev Portal using the command line

907,026 下載

fastlane-plugin-update_android_strings 0.1.0

Update Android res strings.xml

884,883 下載

frameit 4.0.0

Quickly put your screenshots into the right device frames

867,764 下載

frameit 4.0.0

Quickly put your screenshots into the right device frames

867,764 下載

supply 1.0.0

Command line tool for updating Android apps and their metadata on the Google Play Store

860,070 下載

supply 1.0.0

Command line tool for updating Android apps and their metadata on the Google Play Store

860,070 下載

fastlane-plugin-update_provisioning_profile_specifier 1.3.1

Update the provisioning profile in the Xcode Project file for a specified target

818,659 下載

fastlane-plugin-semantic_release 1.18.2

Automated version managment and generator of release notes.

749,866 下載

fastlane-plugin-commit_android_version_bump 0.2.0

This Android plugins allow you to commit every modification done in your build.gradle f...

737,157 下載

screengrab 1.0.0

Automated localized screenshots of your Android app on every device

687,624 下載

screengrab 1.0.0

Automated localized screenshots of your Android app on every device

687,624 下載

fastlane-plugin-unzip 1.0.1

Extract compressed files in a ZIP

684,361 下載

fastlane-plugin-dropbox 0.3.0

Uploads files to Dropbox

654,906 下載

fastlane-plugin-automated_test_emulator_run 1.6.0

Starts n AVDs based on JSON file config. AVDs are created and configured according to u...

652,980 下載

fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning 0.2.0

Updates the Xcode 8 Automatic Codesigning Flag

627,336 下載

fastlane-plugin-dynatrace 2.1.4

This action processes and uploads your symbol files to Dynatrace

607,825 下載

fastlane-plugin-telegram 0.1.4

Allows post messages to telegram channel

586,256 下載

fastlane-plugin-upload_symbols_to_new_relic 0.1.1

Uploads dSym to New Relic

583,527 下載

fastlane-plugin-aws_device_farm 0.3.26

Run UI Tests on AWS Devicefarm

500,197 下載

fastlane-plugin-cordova 3.1.2

Build your Cordova app

483,920 下載

fastlane-plugin-run_tests_firebase_testlab 0.3.1

Runs Android tests in Firebase Test Lab.

438,304 下載

fastlane-plugin-update_xcodeproj 1.0.1

Update Xcode projects

434,212 下載

fastlane-plugin-settings_bundle 1.3.2

Fastlane plugin to update static settings in an iOS settings bundle

421,637 下載

fastlane-plugin-get_product_bundle_id 0.1.4

Gets PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER from the first buildable target in a given scheme

420,326 下載

fastlane-plugin-android_change_package_identifier 0.1.0

Change the package identifier in the AndroidManifest.xml file. Can revert as well.

400,510 下載

fastlane-plugin-mattermost 1.3.2

Fastlane plugin for push messages to Mattermost

393,113 下載

fastlane-plugin-property_file_read 1.0.1

Reads property file into dictionary

392,855 下載

fastlane-plugin-git_tags 0.1.1

List git tags sorted by taggerdate

389,511 下載

總下載次數 151,701,016

這個版本 2,522,185




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6
