fastlane 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 fastlane
fastlane-plugin-firebase_app_distribution 0.10.0
Release your beta builds to Firebase App Distribution.
34,714,406 下载
fastlane-plugin-appcenter 2.1.3
Fastlane plugin for App Center
25,284,280 下载
xcode-install 2.8.1
Download, install and upgrade Xcodes with ease.
17,006,892 下载
fastlane-plugin-versioning 0.7.1
Allows to set/get app version and build number directly to/from Info.plist
11,818,346 下载
badge 0.13.0
11,030,146 下载
fastlane-plugin-sentry 1.28.0
Upload symbols to Sentry
10,923,569 下载
xcov 1.8.1
xcov is a friendly visualizer for Xcode's code coverage files
9,834,423 下载
fastlane-plugin-badge 1.5.0
Add a badge overlay to your app icon
9,555,878 下载
fastlane-plugin-increment_version_code 0.4.3
Increment the version code of your android project.
6,637,421 下载
fastlane-plugin-versioning_android 0.1.1
Android Versioning Plugin for Fastlane
6,040,433 下载
trainer 0.9.1
Convert xcodebuild plist and xcresult files to JUnit reports
5,813,584 下载
fastlane-plugin-aws_s3 2.1.0
Upload IPA and APK to S3
4,696,671 下载
fastlane-plugin-test_center 3.19.1
🎯 Understand, tame, and train your iOS & Mac tests 🎉
4,654,222 下载
fastlane-plugin-bugsnag 2.3.1
Uploads dSYM files to Bugsnag
4,646,484 下载
fastlane-plugin-bundletool 1.1.1
Extracts a universal apk from an .aab file
4,007,081 下载
fastlane-plugin-json 1.1.7
actions related to json files
3,626,641 下载
fastlane-plugin-browserstack 0.3.3
Uploads IPA and APK files to BrowserStack for automation and manual testing.
3,522,332 下载
fastlane-plugin-xcconfig 2.1.0
Adds 2 actions to fastlane to read and update xcconfig files.
3,478,113 下载
fastlane-plugin-load_json 0.0.1
Loads a local JSON file and parses it
3,160,938 下载
fastlane-plugin-appicon 0.16.0
Generate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon.
2,610,031 下载
fastlane_core 1.0.0
Contains all shared code/dependencies of the
2,378,203 下载
fastlane-plugin-get_version_name 0.2.2
Get the version name of an Android project.
2,318,273 下载
fastlane-plugin-changelog 0.16.0
Automate changes to your project
2,283,545 下载
fastlane-plugin-slack_bot 1.5.2
A fastlane plugin to post slack message using bot api token. 🚀
2,151,353 下载
fastlane-plugin-emerge 0.10.6
Fastlane plugin for Emerge
2,062,120 下载
fastlane-plugin-trainer 0.4.1
Convert xcodebuild plist files to JUnit reports
2,008,820 下载
credentials_manager 1.0.0
Password manager used in
1,887,658 下载
credentials_manager 1.0.0
Password manager used in
1,887,658 下载
fastlane-plugin-yarn 1.2
Execute Yarn commands from your Fastfile
1,855,868 下载
spaceship 1.0.0
Ruby library to access the Apple Dev Center and iTunes Connect
1,784,418 下载