RubyGems Navigation menu

faraday-retry 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 faraday-retry

gapic-common 0.25.0

Common code for GAPIC-generated API clients

54,760,370 下載

acme-client 2.0.21

Client for the ACME protocol.

35,858,644 下載

dependabot-common 0.303.0

Dependabot-Common provides the shared code used across Dependabot. If you want support ...

4,880,408 下載

metainspector 5.15.0

MetaInspector lets you scrape a web page and get its links, images, texts, meta tags...

3,140,345 下載

droplet_kit 3.22.0

Droplet Kit is the official Ruby library for DigitalOcean's API

2,641,134 下載

mauth-client 7.2.0

Client for signing and authentication of requests and responses with mAuth authenticati...

1,537,381 下載

chartmogul-ruby 4.6.0

Official Ruby client for ChartMogul's API

1,108,922 下載

mediawiki_api 0.9.0

Uses adapter-agnostic Faraday gem to talk to MediaWiki API.

1,013,403 下載

remove_bg 2.1.1

Use with our official Ruby library to quickly, easily and 100% automatically ...

693,700 下載

gitlab_support_readiness 1.0.130

Official gem of GitLab Support Readiness

448,115 下載

pact-provider-verifier 1.39.1

A cross-platform Pact verification tool to validate API Providers. ...

367,075 下載

datadog_backup 4.0.2

A utility to backup and restore Datadog accounts

340,578 下載

dor-services-client 15.5.0

A client for dor-services-app

334,658 下載

gemdiff 6.0.2

Command-line utility to find source repositories for ruby gems, open common GitHub page...

326,170 下載

trycourier 3.1.4

Courier is the smartest way to design & deliver notifications. Design your notification...

289,479 下載

firespring_dev_commands 3.1.6

Ruby library for creating/maintaining your development environment

289,202 下載

consulkit 0.2.0

Ruby toolkit for the Consul API

267,251 下載

apimatic_faraday_client_adapter 0.1.4

Faraday is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. This repository contains the client imp...

229,352 下載

flagsmith 4.3.0

Ruby Client for Flagsmith. Ship features with confidence using feature flags and remote...

199,390 下載

moonshot 3.0.4

A library and CLI tool for launching services into AWS.

196,635 下載

iron_bank 6.0.0

An opinionated Ruby interface to the Zuora API.

187,971 下載

travis-gh 0.21.0

multi-layer client for the github api v3

164,599 下載

allure-report-publisher 4.3.0

Upload allure reports to different file storage providers

137,117 下載

moesif_api 2.1.2

Collection/Data Ingestion API

108,760 下載

zoho_sign 0.2.1

Ruby gem to allow easy interaction with Zoho Sign API (v1).

104,223 下載

oso-cloud 1.9.1

Oso Cloud Ruby client

103,540 下載

dor-workflow-client 7.7.0

Enables Ruby manipulation of the DOR Workflow Service via its REST API

102,200 下載

mixin_bot 1.3.0

An API wrapper for Mixin Nexwork

89,692 下載

grade_runner 0.0.13

This gem runs your RSpec test suite and posts the JSON output to

87,786 下載

voxpupuli-release 3.2.3

Helpers for deploying Vox Pupuli modules

84,865 下載

總下載次數 232,289,324

這個版本 33,884




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6, < 4
