falcon 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 falcon
utopia-project 0.33.1
A project documentation tool based on Utopia.
84,047 下載
guard-falcon 0.14.0
A guard plugin to run an instance of the falcon web server.
53,934 下載
falcon-capybara 1.6.1
Use the falcon web server to run capybara/selenium tests.
45,761 下載
rackula 1.4.1
Generate a static site from any rackup compatible application.
36,853 下載
sleeproom 0.4.4
17,341 下載
pytty 0.5.0
11,498 下載
lively 0.10.1
A simple client-server SPA framework.
7,908 下載
utopia-wiki 0.3.0
A simple wiki for Utopia.
3,665 下載
utopia-wiki 0.3.0
A simple wiki for Utopia.
3,665 下載
roda-websockets 0.1.0
The roda-websockets gem integrates async-websockets into the roda web toolkit.
3,090 下載
snapshot_ui 0.4.1
Take snapshots of UI during testing for inspection in a browser.
1,496 下載
qravan 0.1.1
Qravan simple API server for data requests.
1,094 下載
lushka 0.1.0
Tiny mock-server with simple configuration
604 下載
wsui 0.0.0
websockets-based HTML GUI for Ruby runtime objects
570 下載
cosensee 0.8.0
Cosensee is a tool that reads JSON data from Cosense (formerly Scrapbox) and outputs it...
343 下載
muraena-api 0.0.1.pre.alpha.1
The Muræna API
279 下載