facets 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 facets
webdriver-user-agent 7.9
A helper gem to emulate populate device user agents and resolutions when using webdriver
1,423,089 下载
RubyApp 0.7.16
A mobile web application framework in Ruby
888,507 下载
utilrb 3.1.0
Utilrb is yet another Ruby toolkit, in the spirit of facets. It includes all the standa...
279,858 下载
glimmer 2.8.1
Glimmer is a Ruby DSL Framework for Ruby GUI and More, consisting of a DSL Engine and a...
210,729 下载
ivy4r 0.12.10
Ivy4r is a Ruby interface for Apache Ivy dependency management library. Offers support ...
196,213 下载
alfred-workflow 2.0.5
alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred](http://www.alfredapp.com) wo...
167,859 下载
no_notifier_needed 2.4.5
A work in progress: Replace ActionMailer::Base class redundency. Temlating using haml o...
134,225 下载
kyanite 0.8.4
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
125,567 下载
puppet-retrospec 1.8.0
Retrofits and generates valid puppet rspec test code to existing modules
120,671 下载
jekyll-octopod 0.9.23
Enables you to publish your podcast using the Jekyll static site generator, creating fe...
117,473 下载
dolzenko 0.0.27
Tiny meta gem which makes dolzenko happy
114,392 下载
lapis_lazuli 3.0.2
LapisLazuli provides cucumber helper functions and scaffolding for easier (web) tes...
107,625 下载
leap_salesforce 1.5.0
This gem helps ones to perform integration tests on Salesforce. It reads the Metadata f...
100,078 下载
Distribut automated testing framework for Web or App.
94,535 下载
mack_ruby_core_extensions was developed by: markbates
90,625 下载
pier_logging 0.4.3
Defines a basic structure for general and request logging
90,199 下载
cdo 1.5.1
Easy access to the Climate Data operators of MPI (https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo)
86,277 下载
active_record_ignored_attributes 0.0.5
Allows you to compare Active Record objects based on their *attributes* (with same_as?)...
82,359 下载
amqp-utils 0.5.1
Command line utilies for interacting with AMQP compliant queues. The intention is...
81,562 下载
unroller 1.0.0
A debugging/tracing tool for Ruby. Can be used interactively or non-interactively. Whil...
79,915 下载
faster_require 0.9.4
A tool designed to speedup library loading (startup time) in Ruby by caching library lo...
79,772 下载
ruby-ext 0.4.6
Ruby language extensions
77,406 下载
quicktravel_client 4.7.0
For integrating with QuickTravel API
77,247 下载
hotspotlogin 1.5.0
Traditionally, a PHP or Perl/CGI web page has been used to login unauthenticated users ...
71,141 下载
hot_or_not 0.2.8
Run this with a new version of your site comparing to current version to verify no brea...
69,690 下载
svn-command 0.2.15
This is a wrapper command for Subversion's command-line svn client that adds a few new ...
66,202 下载
plexus 0.5.10
This library is based on GRATR and RGL. Graph algorithms currently provided are: * To...
62,163 下载
shiplane 0.2.31
Converts docker-compose.yml files into images that can be uploaded to any docker image ...
57,085 下载
rggen-core 0.35.0
Core library of RgGen tool.
56,436 下载
wildcard_matchers 0.9.2
wildcard matchers
56,052 下载