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fabric 0.4.4

Fabric is a small ruby app to perform tasks on servers via SSH. Built around net/ssh and taking heavy inspiration from Capistrano, it currently focuses on managing remote users and their keys on clusters of servers. It does this without the need for a process/daemon/dependency or even ruby being installed on the remote host(s). In the future, it will allow you to create policies for server management and perform sysadmin tasks via a system of recipes.




  1. 0.4.4 May 03, 2010 (15 KB)
  2. 0.4.3 April 14, 2010 (15 KB)
  3. 0.4.2 March 29, 2010 (15 KB)
  4. 0.4.1 March 24, 2010 (15 KB)
  5. 0.4.0 February 12, 2010 (15 KB)
Show all versions (13 total)

Runtime Dependencies (4):

data_objects = 0.10.0
dm-core = 0.10.2
do_sqlite3 = 0.10.0
net-ssh = 2.0.15

Development Dependencies (5):

cucumber = 0.6.1
jeweler = 1.4.0
rake >= 0
rspec = 1.2.9



  • Sam Phillips

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 60,675

For this version 11,675

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: None
